Trip To The Tropics pt 1- Chris

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Chris' POV

"Ok guys so here's the plan, we're gonna walk around the little beach area outside of our hotel cause like it's too windy to go to the beach, but we're also on vacation so we have to do something," Nick said sounding like a mom.

"Listen Nick, I want to go to that one diner that's like a few minutes away and there's stuff to do there," Matt said.

"Well I want I don't want to do anything, like I want to just lay down and sleep," I stated plopping back down on the bed.

"Guys were in fucking San Juan, Puerto Rico. We should be doing something," Nick groaned annoyed with Matt and I.

"Fineee, I'll go walk with you in the beach walk thing. But as long as we get that diner Matt is talking about tomorrow cause that place is good," I tried compromising.

"Yeah yeah that's fine, but there's this cute beach shop that I wanted to look at specifically and I didn't wanna go alone," Nicks mood instantly changed and he was so excited.

After we all got dressed, we went outside and you can instantly feel the heat beating down on you.

"Holy Shit it's hot," I complained fanning myself.

"You look so weird fanning yourself," Nick said judging me.

"Matt fan me," I said and Matt started fanning me.

Nick rolled his eyes as we walked in and out of small stores that were on the side of the beach. The only thing that separated us from the beach was the road.

Then finally after a few stores, Nick had found the beach store he was practically dying to see.

"Omg we're here," he said as he practically ran to the door.

Matt and I looked at eachother and laughed.

As soon as we walked in following Nick, I noticed that this store was pretty cool.

Nick was in the corner already talking to this one girl but I didn't pay much attention and instead stared at my phone.

Sammy's pov

"Sammy you need to be nicer, I swear it's like I have to draw on a smile on your face. You do realize that you're in trouble for not calling off the other day last minute and for you to make that lady leave because of how sucky your attitude was so embarrassing. I'm going to need you to step it up or you can go work with your dad pulling traps," my mom scolded before she walked off to the back office.

I honestly hate having to work for my parents. We used to originally live in the States but my dad got the opportunity to start his business here in Puerto Rico so we moved here when I was 8. My mom's business came with us when we moved here and one time I got into a great deal of trouble when I was 16 so my parents made me work with them. So let's just say I'm forced to work with my parents to keep me out of trouble and ruining what they have here or atleast that's what they told me.

I rolled my eyes and started unboxing some shirts that just came in and putting them on hangers to hang up.

"Hi welcome to Las Palmas, let me know if there's anything I can help you with! I'm Sammy btw!" I said sarcastically after looking up and seeing this guy walk in.

"Hi I'm Nick, I was wondering if you had any cute t shirts or souvenirs?" He asked while looking around.

"Uh well there's definitely a lot of shirts around here, they're just on the other side of the shop." I said pointing on the other side that was blocked by some surf boards.

"Let me just move those for you, I'm sorry we're like remodeling so we haven't been able to move these anywhere so it's not in the way," I walked over and started moving them to block the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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