I know you cheated- Chris

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Both Y/n and Chris are 21 in this

"Yo it's Chris, I'm probably drinking Pepsi, hanging with my girlfriend or brothers, or filming shit so if it's important text me or leave a message."

I laid in my bed curled up anxiously waiting for Chris to call me back. I've called him 10 times already and texted him multiple times. I even texted Nick and Matt and neither of them know where he's at. Nate isn't in LA so he can't be with him. Maddy and Laura are in Hawaii for a little getaway so he can't be with them. So here I am stressing the fuck out because I don't know where he is.

Not to mention his location is off. He stopped sharing his location with me and I don't know why. Who knows, maybe he's getting me something for our anniversary. I mean our 3 year anniversary is coming up soon.

I really don't know what to think. I just hope he's ok doing whatever he is doing.

I decided to go on Snapchat and snap some people back. But as I went to look at Chris's profile to see if he turned his location off on there too that's when I realized it wasn't. I wanted to tell myself to get off because maybe he is buying me something and I'll ruin the surprise if I zoom in on where he's at.

But another part of me needed to know what he was doing. I had always trusted Chris with anything and everything. But he's been acting strange lately. He's been leaving my house early in the mornings. And constantly finding excuses to leave when he was here. But half of his excuses were dumb.

"Baby I have to go edit the video for Wednesday. Nick asked me to do it and I completely forgot about it until now," he said sitting at the kitchen stool as I was cooking dinner for the both of us.

"Chris, Nick never wants you close to the videos. If anything he'd as Matt to do it over you," I said already annoyed cause he made the same like of excuse yesterday.

"Yeah but Matt didn't wanna do it so he asked me," he said tapping his foot on the leg of the stool.

"Whatever Christopher, just go. Tell the boys I said hi," I turned away from him and continued cooking for me since he wouldn't be eating with me anymore.

"Why are you being so bitchy about this? This is my job. You know whenever we go out and I buy you things it's from the money I make with those videos," he argued.

"I don't give a fuck about those things Chris, I just want YOU. I don't care about those material things. I loved you way before you got big. What makes you think money will secure me? Do you really think I'm with you just for the money?," I turned back to look at him asking kinda hurt.

"No im not saying that, I just thought you'd like those things more I guess I don't know. I'm really sorry I can't stay any longer. I really wish I could," he engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged back as we swayed, "It's fine, maybe next time."

I kissed the top of my head, "I love you, I promise to make it up to you. And not by buying you material things."

"Love you too," I got out of his hug and turned away to keep cooking as he grabbed his things and walked out of my house leaving me by myself per usual.

Him and I have been arguing a lot recently. I even went to the point where I told him to stop coming to my house and I changed the codes to my doors. It's been rough between us, so if we ever are together it's just me swinging by his place or I'm hanging out with Matt or Nick and we see each other. Most of the time we don't even act like we're together.

I mean we have been one and off a lot too. Usually it's him breaking up with me and then him coming back. I still love him though. Whenever we do hang out for the small amount of time we do, I love it. I just hate when he leaves.

So I've been trying to call and text him to ask if he wants to hang out or if he wanted to come over. But obviously he hasn't answered. Even if we are mad at eachother, we still answer one another. So the fact that he's not answering is really weird. And it's even weirder that nobody knows where he is.

Just as I was about to turn my phone off so I can finish my college work, I got a call. Nick was calling me so I quickly answered.

"Hello?" I started off.

"Hey Y/n, so have you checked your snap maps?" Nick asked me.

"If this is about Chris, he turned off his locations on snap and the same on Life360 and FindMy. I don't know anything," I answered.

"Well I was looking at Life360 and FindMy and it's turned off for Matt and I. But I never checked Snap cause I honestly thought you guys were just fighting and he walked out and you wanted to know where he was so yall could talk. But like I just had a bad feeling, so I checked Snap and I guess he forgot to turn that off. And right now he's at this club. I don't know what he's doing there. I mean it is a Friday night, but on snap it says that our friends Reagan, Jack, and Amelia are there. So maybe he went out with them." He informed me.

I quickly got out of bed and grabbed my car keys and wallet and made my way to my car while still on the phone with Nick, "hold on Nick, stay on the phone with me. I'm on my way to see what he's doing. I'm keeping you on so I know if he leaves."

"Yeah that's fine, I just know you guys were on good terms before he disappeared so honestly I'm kind of curious why he's acting so weird," he answered as I got in my car and started driving to the club he told me about.

We both made small talk and started talking about the trip him and I have been planning with Matt. Nate and Chris were planning a snowboarding trip I think so the three of us wanted to go somewhere. The talk of the trip helped keep me calm about the main reason why I left the house.

Once I got to the club, I pulled into the liquor store right in front of it so I can watch the entrance of the place. I had hung up on Nick once I got there.

Now it was just a waiting game until he decides to leave. I was getting ready to leave because I thought that maybe he left and I didn't notice or snuck out the back so people wouldn't see him there. But those thoughts came crashing down as soon as I saw him walk out. Not only did my thoughts come crashing down, but so did everything I thought it had with Christopher Sturniolo.

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