Sardines in the Sky- Matt

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of tapping on my window. I freaked out till the familiar beat that tapped on my window only at 1:17am made me remember who it was. I opened my sliding window unlocking it to see my crystal blue eyed boyfriend waiting to get inside. I let him in making sure to lock my room door in case of my mom coming in unexpectedly and closing the window so no unwanted insects got into my room. 

"Hey babe, sorry for coming a bit late. Nick and Chris held me up a bit since we just got done with a van video," he stated while engulfing me in a hug and a quick peck on my lips. "It's alright, I fell asleep watching Luca on Disney+," i replied smiling up at his gorgeous face that had a breathtaking bone structure. "ooooo I wanna watch" he said before scurrying over to my bed and throwing himself onto it opening my computer. I laid with him while watching Luca for the rest of the 35 minutes I had left. Once we finished I came up with an idea. 

"What if we climbed onto my roof and looked at the stars?" I questioned sitting up and looking at my boyfriend. "That sounds like a great idea" he responded grabbing a blanket before pulling me back through my now opened window. I tried to keep my giggles in as him and I stumbled to climb onto my roof. Once we got to the top we laid the blanket down and cuddled close together while looking at the different constellations and bright specks that took over the night sky. 

"there's the big and little dipper" Matt stated pointing up to the very recognizable constellation. I smiled remembering the time I taught him about the different types of constellations. "You know I can kinda see why Alberto thought the stars were sardines in the sky" I bluntly stated while looking at the view right above me. Matt chuckled before wrapping his arms around my wait stating, "you're my little sardine". I snorted at his cheesy comment. "That was cute" I replied looking next to me and pecked his forehead. "How about we stay like this, me, under the stars...sounds pretty great if I do say so myself" Matt commented while looking at me. I nodded slowly dozing off while looking between the beautiful night sky and my loving boyfriend.

Sorry this one is short! I wanted a short fluff for this one

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