I know you cheated pt. 2- Chris

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He not only walked out of the club with his arm wrapped around a girl, but he kissed her. He walked her to her car then kissed her as she got in and drove away. That was enough for me to drive home.

As soon as I got home, I checked my phone to see that Chris had called me back many times and texted me back.


Hey Chris, are you busy?

I was wondering if you wanted to come over?

I know I told you not to come back but I want to try again

Are you ok?

You haven't answered

I texted everyone and nobody knows where you are

Please text me back when you can, I'm worried.

I love you
Seen @11:25

Hey Y/n, sorry I didn't answer. I powered my phone off so that's why all my locations were off.

I can come over if you're still up for it

I'm heading over right now, just tell me the code.
Seen @ 11:30

Seen @ 11:31

Yeah I gave him the code to my house, but oh well. I can't keep this in myself. I have to confront him about this. I'm not the type of person to keep things bottled up, if I have something I want to say then I'm going to say it.

But what also made this situation worse, was that someone had posted a picture of them two and paparazzi got ahold of it and now it's trending on practically every social media platform.


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Christopher Sturniolo is caught kissing another girl at a club in downtown LA. Have him and his longtime girlfriend Y/n L/n broken up? Or did he just get caught cheating?

After I saw that post I was bombarded with text messages from a lot of people. I turned off my phone and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. Now I'm just waiting for Chris to show up so I can end this.

I was already in the middle of watching my show when my front door opened. My blood started to boil once I heard him set down his things on my kitchen counter. He then sat down right next to me and tried to wrap his arm around me but I scooted away. He looked at me funny and before he could say anything I turned to look at him.

"I know you cheated," I said.

His face paled and I could tell I caught him off guard, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh please Chris, don't act all innocent. I saw you at the club with a girl and you kissed. And not to mention that it's all over social media right now," I stated cold faced.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was at home sleeping, my phone was turned off. Maybe that was a person that looked like me. Somebody probably posted it to get likes," he tried covering his tracks.

"No Chris, you turned off your location for me and everyone but you forgot to turn it off for Nick so he's the one who told me where you were. So I went there and saw you walk her out to her car then kiss her. Fuck you don't even walk me to my car."

He just sat there quiet so I continued. "Honestly I would've never thought you'd do this shit. Even though we go through shit, I still stay home and stay loyal to you. You're a fucking coward for not breaking up with me. That's why you've been leaving early and why we argue so much, because you're with that bitch. I want nothing to do with you. I really was trying to talk to you today and put everything behind us but now, Fuck you. I can't even look at you right now. I was there for you through everything and I always take you back. But you can't even bother to give me the closure I need, instead you cheat on me."

"No no Y/n please, I promise to fix this. I'll drop the girl. Please don't leave me. It was a mistake I promise. I don't know what I was thinking. I was just upset with everything that was going on that I turned to her for comfort and then my feelings got twisted. I can't lose you. You keep me whole. I'd be lost without you. Please give me another chance to make things right," he pleaded as his eyes started to water.

I stood up from my couch and grabbed the duffle bags that had all his clothes in it. I had packed it when I first got home and sat on the couch. Then I grabbed his things off the counter and handed it to him. "Leave Chris."

"You can't just break up with me. You give everyone second chances but you're not even bothering to give me a second chance," he said standing up.

"I've given you more chances than I could count on my two hands! You always fuck shit up and then come back begging to fix things and I always give you a chance. I've never given a person a second chance who didn't deserve it. Why do you think I dropped Jack? Because he crossed the line trying to get me to hookup with some other guy. But all of a sudden he's your bestfriend? You're fucking sick," I stated sternly.

"And what? You confide in my brothers and Nate more than you do me. I wouldn't be surprised if you're cheating on me with Matt or Nate. Youre just as fucked up as I am. I can't breathe in the direction of another girl or else you'll be a bitch about it. Or I can't leave you early or be busy cause then I'm not prioritizing you. You're so controlling and you fuck our relationship up with that. You're so fucking insecure. You had to get my brother to snitch on me because you can't trust me," he moved around the couch to stand face to face with me.

I slapped him, "how and I supposed to trust you when you do shit like this?! I can't believe you'll talk like that about Matt, Nick and Nate. They are your brothers and bestfriend and you're talking like as if I'm close with them because of you. I was close with them before you and I even knew about eachother! You know what, I'm sick of you. This relationship was a mistake. We should've never been together and I should've never taken you back as many times as I did. Now get the fuck out of my house before I call the cops."

"Fuck you," he said and walked out with his things.

I refused to break down and pulled the footage off of my camera that I had hidden on my bookshelf. I sent it to Nick, Nate and Matt so they can know about what he said about them. Call it petty but I don't give a fuck. I'm just fed up with it.

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