Sweeter than Sweet Tea- Chris

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Y/n's POV

"Chris wake tf up so we can go grocery shopping" Nick yelled right next to me on the couch. I was sitting on the couch while scrolling through instagram pictures figuring out which one to post. "Holy fuck can you let a man get changed in peace" Chris responded walking into the room the rest of us were at. "Even y/n who takes hours to get ready is ready before you are" Matt said making me glare at him. 

We all piled into Matt's van with the usual seating arrangements. Nick and i in the back, Matt driving since he's the only one with a licence, and Chris sitting shotgun. I sat quietly on my phone still trying to figure out what picture to post. "Chris, connect my phone to the car through bluetooth so I can play music" Nick lent forward toward Chris.  "No dude, your music is ass. You overplay female artists and it gets annoying," Chris responded not bothering to turn around to his older brother. "Chris just, play his music before he throws a tantrum" Matt included before stopping at a red light. Chris rolls his eyes and connects Nick's phone. "Thank you MATT" Nick responded before playing Billie Eilish 'Happier than Ever'.  

We all got out of the car to go into the store that had many memories inside. I was still glued to my phone letting my indecisiveness take over me. "Hey y/n we didn't invite you to hang with us for you to be stuck on your phone" Chris said looking down beside him as I was walking in between him and Nick while Matt was leading us. I look up at him saying, "well i'm trying to figure out what picture I should post". "It's not that deep, just choose one" He responded shrugging. "I didn't know you had your period this week" I commented looking up at him. "Oh shut up, I just want to go home and lay in bed" He said as we walked into the store. 

We grabbed all the things we needed but Chris forgot to grab his favorite thing. "SWEET TEA OMG" he ran back to the juice aisle and ran back with a jug in hand. I smiled at his reaction to him forgetting what makes Chris, well Chris. "You do know I already grabbed a jug right" I stated pointing to the gallon of sweet tea that lay in our shopping cart filled with many other items. He let out a large sigh but looked at me and smiled thankfully. "This is why I can't live without you, you're probably sweeter than sweet tea tbh" He said adding the extra gallon to the cart. Instantly I knew, I like Chris Sturniolo...

 Instantly I knew, I like Chris Sturniolo

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Y/nL/nirl: Sweeter than Sweet Tea

Matt; it's giving sunshine and rainbows

Nick: Hottie

chris: you really are :)

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