Fuck Feelings pt. 2- Matt

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Matt's POV

"Matt can I come in," a sweet voice asked ask she knocked on my door.

I sat up for the position I was laying in, "yeah."

Y/n came into my room and sat down at the end of my bed, "the others went to McDonald's to grab some food and they left me here. I got bored so I came here."

"Oh ok," I responded dryly.

She laid on her stomach and went on her phone as I got up and went to play Fortnite. We kinda just sat in silence while I played and she scrolled through Instagram.

She finally broke the silence, "Matt are you ok?"

I looked at her then back at my game, "yeah why?"

She shrugged, "I don't know, you're just not talking as much. Usually you're talking to me about random things."

"I guess I just got bored," I responded.

"So you got bored of talking to me or just talking in general?"

"I don't know ok, it doesn't matter. I'm fine," I stated with a bit of an attitude.

She just stayed silent and sat up for where she was laying. She then got up off my bed and made her way to my door.

I got out of the game, "look Y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lash out at you, I just can't really talk about what's going on."

She turned towards me, "it's fine Matt, but it's not my fault you have things going on. I'm just trying to be a good friend and talk to you. But obviously you need space so I'll just wait for everyone to come back out in the living room."

Yep. I just got friend zoned.

"That's the thing though, it is your fault. You're just you and that's the issue," I responded.

She seemed offended, "how is me being myself affecting you?"

Welp, here goes nothing.

"Youre beautiful, kind, smart, caring, and so much more. And that's the issue because I like you ok? I've liked you since Nate and I first became friends with him and he brought us over to his house. And it's been like that for years. But Nate made us all promise not to break the rule of dating or liking you because he doesn't want any of his friendships to get ruined because you can't keep a relationship."

She was silent for a moment, "wait so you like me but you never said anything because you were scared of Nate?"

I nodded and she proceeded to talk, "Matt you suck at taking hints."

I was confused, "what?"

"I could care less about Nate, and anyways he's just talking out of his ass because I never dated any of his friends. I've talked to guys and I just stopped talking to them cause I liked this one guy but I wasn't sure if he liked me back. So I used other guys as distractions. Matt I've liked for a long time too and I've thrown so many hints but obviously they never landed."

Then it all clicked, the many times she's FaceTime me randomly throughout the day, the comments she'd make on my posts, the touchiness, and practically anything else. Wow I'm dumb.

"Well I didn't wanna ruin a friendship with my bestfriend so I can date his sister. But I mean since you don't care maybe I shouldn't either," I responded.

"Well I like you Matt, and my brother won't change that," she said before she walked out of my room since the other came back with the food.

Sorry this is so short, I didn't really have an idea for this one but somebody told me to do part 2 so I did. Sorry if it's cringe lmao

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