Invisible- Chris

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Chris's pov

"Hey guys so today I'm doing a prank on my girlfriend. It's probably the dumbest prank but, honestly I don't care. I've already set up hidden cameras in the kitchen, living room, and my room. So I'm going to ignore her the whole day. Every text, call, conversation will be ignored. I told Matt, Nick, Madi, and Nate about it and they wanted to get in on it. So we are all going to be hanging out at mine, Matt, and Nick's place. Alrighty so here goes nothing. And Y/n if you're watching this later, I'm sorry but I love you," I said turning off the camera.

It was like 12:06 in the afternoon and everyone is supposed to be here in like 10 minutes so I have a little me time to actually prepare to ignore my girlfriend.

Damn. I really don't know if I want to do this.

Before I could think about anything else Matt walked into my room.

"So are we all supposed to ignore her or just you," Matt asked sitting next to me on the end of my bed.

"Just me, because i don't want to make her feel worse," i say just staring at my blank wall in front of me.

"If you don't want to do the prank then we can just have a normal Wednesday video with all our friends," he suggested.

I shook my head, "no it's fine."

With that he got up and left my room.

Once again I was left alone but my phone buzzed.

I checked it to see a text from my girlfriend.

She texted me saying she was on her way. I had to get into character so I just left her on read.

Please forgive me.

Y/n's pov

That's strange? Chris didn't even respond to my text. I would've hoped to at least gotten an ok or a "👍".

Maybe he's just busy, after all the triplets are getting ready for the podcast.

By the time I got to their house, everyone was already here. I hate being the last person to show up so I was upset. Chris should've texted me saying everyone was there so I could've hurried up.

But it's whatever, it's not that deep.

I parked my car right behind Madi's since there weren't anymore open spots.

I sat in my car for a second making sure I look good because we are filming and i don't need more hate than i already get for just dating Chris.

So eventually I got out of the car with my phone and Tropical Red Bull because lord knows I'm gonna need it for the next few hours of being with crazy people.

I knocked on the door and someone was quick to answer. I expected it to be my boyfriend but instead it was Nick.

I love Nick, but Yk I was just caught by surprise.

"Hey!" He said engulfing me in a hug.

I hugged back and smiled, "hey Nick."

We let go and he opened the door wider to let me inside the house. Matt, Nate, and Madi were all sitting in the living room on the couch just talking.

They all looked up at me and said their hi's.

"We're just waiting on Chris, he's in his room right now," Nick said sitting on the couch next to Matt.

I was deciding whether to tell him we were all ready or to just let him come down when he was ready. So I just sat on the couch because i didn't wang to push him just in case he was busy.

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