I know you cheated pt. 3 - Chris

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It's been about a year since Chris and I have broken up. This isn't the part where I say that I'm so much better without him and he's down in the dumps. Or even that I had his kid and he doesn't know. Or that I got with his brother or bestfriend to get back at him.

1. I would never get with Matt or Nate cause they are both like brothers to me
2. Him and his brothers are thriving and doing better than ever
3. I am childless (the closest thing we had to a kid was a dog and I ended up getting to keep him)
4. Even if I was pregnant and it was his kid, I wouldn't hide it from him

I still keep in touch with Matt and Nick. Obviously we aren't as close as before because they don't want to make Chris feel as if they were choosing sides. I don't mind because Chris is their brother so no matter what they are always going to choose him.

After I broke up with Chris I really was at my worst. I was so insecure and I didn't believe anything anyone told me. If I couldn't believe the supposed love of my life, then why should I believe random people? I haven't been able to move on from Chris, and especially since I was seeing headlines about him everywhere I looked. He'd been in multiple relationships with gorgeous models and beautiful influencers. They were all thin and fit. I obviously wasn't his type.

I was small, definitely not fit, and definitely not thin. I had stretch marks on my thighs and bottom. I didn't have the clearest skin. However I changed for myself and started going to the gym to at least tone my body a bit so my big thighs that had fat, would be muscle, and same with my butt too. Now I look better than ever.

It was all rough during the first few months. But none of his relationships lasted more than a month. Then after a week he'd get with someone else. So really he was hoeing around. Lots of his fans blamed his actions on me.

"Y/n broke up with him so it's her fault that he's hurting all these girls"

"She was holding him hostage for so long that now that he's free, he doesn't know what real happiness is and leaves everyone"

"He definitely upgraded, but he's been with an ogre for so long that he can't see what's in front of him"

"Poor guy is heartbroken and is trying to find someone to fix him"

Yeah they weren't HORRIBLE comments but they were still hateful. I really did used to blame myself for him getting hate for playing girls. But now I know it was never my fault, he made the choices he made for his own reasons and I had nothing to do with it. Let's not forget I left him because he hurt me soooo.

Now I live in Hawaii, which is where my family moved to from Boston. So far I am loving it here in Hawaii, it is a breath of fresh air. I'm not constantly surrounded by paparazzi and drama. I can do whatever I want and not be judged for it. Moving here has given me a new perspective on life.



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