Chapter 67: Sucks to be an Otaku

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Tomoya scratched his hair in annoyance. He understood that Shido refused him last time because he didn't find the necessary heroine, but now that he found the person, why would Shido still refuse his offer?

In fact, it wasn't just Shido, Tomoya also went for Utaha immediately after school. She also refused directly, and she said that she didn't want to talk to him at all.

He went after Eriri again, but learned that she had already left the school, so he had no choice but to chat with Megumi first.

What he didn't know was that although Megumi was willing to chat with him, she also had her own ideas, and she didn't really plan to join his gal game plan that made people feel very uneasy.

"Because I don't have time..."

Shido said as a matter of course.

"If there's a will, there's a way..."

Tomoya continued his persuasion.

"I will be brutally honest with you: I don't have the will or the time to make games."

Shido spoke with a serious expression.

"I see......"

Tomoya was also stunned. If Shido said so, then there was no way to force it.

"What are the things that take all of your time away?"

Tomoya asked his one last question.

"I gotta study hard for midterms..."

Shido replied casually. It wouldn't be a lie since he did study from time to time.

"Is that true?"

Megumi asked calmly.

"Of course it's true. Didn't you see me taking notes in class?"

Shido nodded. That was a lie!

But he wouldn't lie to the Spirits, that was the bottom line.

"Is that so? But I saw that Shido-san was writing something else in the afternoon class, not the content of the textbook

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"Is that so? But I saw that Shido-san was writing something else in the afternoon class, not the content of the textbook..."

Megumi tilted her head.

"You may have read it wrong."

Shido chuckled. He would not admit that he was practicing signing autographs. He was damn sure he had been paying attention to the people around him, but he didn't expect someone to sneak up to him.

But that wasn't his fault: Megumi had such a low presence that nobody would be able to detect her movements or voice.

"Oh yeah?"

Megumi smiled lightly. She naturally would not read it wrong, she even saw what words Shido wrote when he signed the autograph.

Since it was not the name of Shido, but Shinji Takamiya. Megumi guessed that it should be a pseudonym, so she searched on the Internet and finally found Shido's light novel: Smartphone Man!

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