Chapter 28: Rejection Gone Wrong

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Yumiko gritted her teeth and called.

"Hello! Miura-san..."

Shido smiled softly.


Yumiko nodded. Although she had liked Shido for a long time, it seemed like it was the first time to talk face to face like this alone!

Maybe the last time...

Yumiko sat on the bench on the rooftop, then patted the seat next to her, and said:

"Itsuka-kun, sit here!"


Shido nodded and sat down.

"Actually! I have someone I like..."

Yumiko said softly.

"I see, that's wonderful."

Shido gestured to prove that he was listening.

"As soon as I think about that person, I feel a little distressed in my chest. It is a very happy thing to be able to talk to him..."

Yumiko said with a little blushing.


Shido frowned

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Shido frowned. Why did the lines seem familiar?

But thinking about what he heard in the hot spring, it shouldn't unfold like that, so he didn't think too much, but listened intently.


Yumiko suddenly shouted.


Shido was sitting up.

"The one I like is you!"

Yumiko stared at Shido, and made a confession without a trace of sloppiness.


Shido was surprised. He actually thought that the other party would talk a lot, and then slowly confess.

"I saw you during the entry match of the soccer club from last year..."

Yumiko softly told the story of how she fell in love with Shido, which was similar to what Shido had heard in the hot spring before, but because it was spoken face to face, Shido felt the love was even more sincere.

"So? What's your answer?"

Yumiko showed a reluctant smile. She said everything she wanted to say, and it was time to accept the cruel results of reality.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but I'm sorry, Miura-san, I already have a girl I'm dating."

Shido rejected the road somewhat formulaically.

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