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I was in my balcony, smoking away when I heard a knock on my door. I sighed wondering who it could be, deciding to ignore it. If I ignored it long enough, the person will go away. However, whoever it was, he or she was damn persistent. The knocks just became increasingly louder.
Argh! I went to open the door and went "What!?". I realized it was Lam.

"OH." I stepped back and turned away, Lam came in after himself and closed the door. "Can we talk?" He asked.

I turned to look at him, raising my eyebrows at him questioningly. I was still abit pissed at him about earlier. But he was still my friend, a very good one. One that was always there for me without fail. I sighed. I sat down on my couch and beckoned him over. He sat down next to me.

"Look, I'm sorry ok? I shouldn't have said it like that. I.. was just tired of seeing you constantly fight with Pha over Yo. Plus you always said you want Yo to be happy. If you look carefully he is happy with Pha. Ok? Plus don you deserve better? Like someone who actually loves you back?"

I just looked at Lam who was right. I could see that Yo was very happy with Pha. It was definitely my ego not letting me and plus the fact that I was heartbroken.

"I know. I'm just.. ugh. You know. I look like this..but."

"A Teddy bear? Yea I think we all know Forth." Lam snickered. I nearly threw something at him. He laughed and grabbed my hand. He studied my knuckles and realized it was all bruised and red. "Idiot" he scolded me. He made me stay whilst he went to get the first aid kit. He dressed my wounds whilst I sat and decided to just watch TV. I kept wincing occasionally as it was painful but stopped moving when I realized Lam was glaring at me. I chuckled inwardly to myself. This friend of mine, only tough on the outside but secretly inside, he was a big Teddy bear too.

After he was done, he hung out with me to watch TV and we also decided to game. From a quiet dorm, it became a boisterous noisy one with the two of us wildly gaming away. It was 3am when we realised. "Shit! So late. We still have classes tomorrow! I better get going."

I nodded my head in agreement and Lam left. I smiled as I watched him go off on his bike. I went to change and got into bed. A few hours later, I heard my phone ringing. Ugh who was it?!

I answered the phone only to hear Park growling away. I realized it was 9.30am already and shit I was late!! I had already missed my first class. My next one was at 10am so i rushed like mad and barely made it by the skin of my teeth. I settled in the class with Park glaring at me. 10 minutes later, is when I realized Lam wasn't around.

I asked Park who told me he wasn't well and wouldn't be in for the day. He also nagged if i had looked at the group chat, j would have known. I gulped and decided to be silent since Park was hopping pissed already.

But my mind kept drifting to this stupid Lam and wondered how was he doing for the rest of class.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now