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I woke up, seeing a completely different environment from where I had been, in the last 5 days. I tried to sit up gingerly and was supported immediately by someone. I looked over and realized it was Lam.

"Lam.." I groaned in pain.

"Are you ok? Want me to get the doctor?"

"No its fine. Its just the shoulder wound. I'm good. How did you.."

Lam filled me in over what happened. Has it been a few days already?!? Just then my parents walked in. My mom was all teary and my dad, he was a man of few words but his eyes really reflected a lot of pain now. The boys trooped in too, checking in on me. I smiled as we all caught up. It was truly good to be alive, for myself, for all of them and most importantly, him, as my eyes flicked over to Lam.

I was made to stay for a few more days but once I was given the all clear, Lam came to pick me up. He brought me back to his dorm. I looked at him and he told me, "You stay here for a few days ok? Till you are completely ok."

I looked at him, I know he was worried and cautious. "Lam, I will be fine. I know you are very worried about me but I will be fine. Just gotta go back to our regular schedule ok?"

Lam was very upset when he heard that and he turned away, muttering fine, whatever and went towards the kitchen. I walked towards him and hugged him from the back.

"I love you Lam. I'm not going anywhere from you. Never again. But it doesnt mean we can't live in separate dorms. At least till we are married ok."

I saw Lam's ears turn completely red. I knew he was all embarrassed and shy. I just chuckled. He turned around and hit me on my chest, "Stop teasing me! And what marriage. What love. You don love me. We, you.. I.."

"Don't tell me we are just friends Lam. You aren't a friend to me. You haven been for a while now. I love you. And I really do. And I know that I probably have loved you for a while now and it's finally sunk in. When I was captured by Maprang, the only thing that kept me going was, I told myself I had to make sure I came back to you as alive as I could be, just to make sure i could see you."

Lam hugged me in response, crying badly. He finally let down his walls and held me tight, I started crying too. If anyone asked, we would deny it but right now, between the two of us, we didn't need any secrecy or pretense.

We pulled away from each other, he wiped my tears gently as he whispered the one thing I been wanting to hear, "I love you too Forth. I love you."

I held onto Lam tightly, having missed this man with every fibre of mine.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now