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To be fair to Forth, I started seeing changes in him towards Yo. He stopped texting Yo voluntarily, stopped heading by the Business or Medicine faculties and focused his attention on hazing, hanging out with the Engineering boys and all.

It was good to have my friend completely back. We were sitting, waiting for Park who had gone to see Ming. I was doing my assignment when Forth bought lunch for us. He got me my favorite spicy fried rice whilst gyudon for himself. He left it in front of me as he started eating. However, I was quite immersed in my work and completely ignored the food.

10 minutes later, I suddenly feel my chin lifted up and a spoon facing me. I was stunned and was about to reject when I observed Forth's face. He looked low key pissed. I smiled hesitantly, took the spoon and started eating. Forth went back to his food. Just as I was eating, Tul came there with Max, complaining that one of our juniors got into trouble. It was my direct junior so I jumped up to go help him. Forth tried to stop me to at least eat first but I ignored him and ran off.

Hours later when I was done dealing with the problem, I went back to my dorm. Once I reached it, I saw a pack of food hanging from the door. I took it and saw a note attached; Better eat. Forth.

I chuckled. When did this fellow become this attentive? Just then, Max came by wanting to invite me to the bar. Before I could reject, he dragged me with me, forcing me to leave the food behind. We went to the bar and I saw the Engineering clan there, including Forth. Forth was just busy drinking and talking to Park when he saw me. He nodded his head at me and I settled down opposite him as I got my own drink. Big mistake. I hadn't eaten the whole day since my half eaten lunch and was now drinking, which wasn't doing good for me. I got drunk after 3 whiskey on the rocks. Forth peered at me confused, wondering why I got drunk so quickly. He then asked if I had eaten. I smiled and shook my head no. That's when I saw his face change. I kinda sobered up when I saw that pissed off face but he didn't say anything else. He kept quiet. I stopped drinking and drank some water instead.

Just then, the Medical Princes came in. Pha was with Yo. I looked over at Forth who hadn't even realized that Yo was here. I just kept quiet and continued to observe. I saw Yo come over to say hi. Pha too with the boys. I saw Forth say hi back and invited Pha to sit with them if they wanted to. They all smiled and joined us.

Forth moved over and sat next to me, surrendering half of the couch to them. They all sat down and we all made conversation. Along the way, Yo needed some help for his dad so Forth agreed to help and he went over to talk to Yo in Pha's purview. But Pha was much cooler about everything. Looks like they had this sorted out. As Pha and Yo were talking, I saw how Yo just naturally blushed around Forth and kept smiling, looking up at him adoringly. Forth didn't lap it up but he was cordial. But to me, Yo was getting on my nerves but I kept quiet.

Just then, Maprang came over. She was this junior from Communication Arts whom everyone knew had a major crush on me. Though I knew, I had made it clear to her nicely that I don't see her that way. However it didn't stop her from trying. Maprang wanted to invite me to just go say hi to her cousins who were in town and had heard alot about me. I said OK to be nice and followed her. We were by the bartender and they ordered a round of shots, which we all gulped down. Then another round and then before I could take my 3rd shot, I heard a cold voice....

"Are you quite done or do you want to drink yourself to death which is easy given you haven't eaten yet." I turned around and saw Forth glaring at me. I put down the 3rd shot and motioned to go back. But then Maprang held onto my arm, chastising me for not giving her face. Shit. I turned to look at Forth who looked at me for a full minute then turned and walked away, out of the bar.

I was stunned. So were Maprang and her cousins. So were my boys whose shocked faces I looked at when I turned to them. Pha stood up, came to me, firmly took Maprang's hand off me and told me to go look for Forth. To quote Pha, "I didn't see him this pissed even when with Yo."

I gulped quietly. I looked over at Park who nodded and tossed me his bike keys. I rode off to the dorm and knocked on Forth's door. I knocked a few times before he finally opened it. He must have showered for he came out with wet hair and dressed in a pair of sweats.

"What are you doing here? I don't think you were done drinking yet."
"I don't want to drink anymore."
"Really? Seemed like you enjoyed it with Maprang, with Park, with Max, with Tul.."

I kept quiet, knowing he means we'll but his snarky attitude was getting to me. If I opened my mouth, I may end up saying something that will get me into further trouble.

"You should go back. Your Maprang is probably waiting for you."
"Stop it Forth. You sound like a kid. Just like Yo."

I snapped. I looked up and saw Forth's face which had changed. He then slammed the door on me. Damn. I knocked and knocked but he ignored me. Pissed, I went back to my own dorm. This time, there was another pack of food there with the first one.

There was a note that said, "I know you are old enough to look after yourself but drinks on an empty stomach isn't good. So got you some snacks. Please eat it before you sleep. Forth."

I pinched my nose in frustration. Forth haix, was just, haix. Looking out for me. I sighed, took the food and went back to his dorm. Once outside, I texted him, "Forth, the CA GUYS.." and stopped. He must have thought it's an SOS for help as seconds later he opened the door about to run out and he saw me.

Stunned, he took a step back and I took the opportunity to slip in and lock the door after me. He scowled, knowing that I had tricked him. I just lifted up the bag of food, said thank you. Pulled him to the table, forcing him to sit with me and we enjoyed it together.

He gave me a set of sweats and towel. I showered and changed and decided to sleep here. We slept in the same bed, our backs facing each other.

In the morning, I woke up first but I found myself in Forth's arms. Alarmed, I scooted back and almost fell off the bed! He was still sleeping soundly. When did I land up in his arms?

It felt so couple-like but no! This is Forth and me. We are bros man.

[Author's POV: Right, now where have I heard this before?]

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now