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I had slept and woken up around 8am with a heavy head. I realized my head was throbbing and I felt very feverish. I guess the recent late nights plus the one day before with Forth gaming away didn't help either.

I stood up and went to get a cold shower to see if it made me feel better. But it didn't do me much good. I felt so miserly and couldn't move much. At one point, I crashed into my balcony door head first whilst moving around. I felt a little cut at my forehead but decided to ignore it, figuring it stop bleeding.

I just sat down on my couch, huddled in a blanket shivering away. It was so bad. Ugh. Just then, around 2pm I heard a knock on my door. Who the fuck was it? I stumbled over slowly and opened the door.

Just as he stepped in, I passed out.

I woke up some time later, Forth diving in to help me. He made me sit up. I felt my head and felt an ice pack on it. He had also dressed my wound. As I sat up and made myself comfortable, Forth brought over a bowl of soup. He made me finish my bowl and gave me my meds too. I quietly took them all as Forth looked damn pissed and he was being quiet throughout the entire time.

Once I was done, he came over and smacked my head. "Oi" I shouted.

"Don you dare oi me! So capable of looking after others and look at yourself. What a mess. Did u know you were running a high fever and bleeding from the forehead. What the fuck is wrong with you?!

I kept quiet, not knowing if I should answer. I jsut looked at him and said sorry. He looked at me hard then he sighed.

"You had me worried for a bit you know. Stupid."

I offered him a small smile. He took my temperature and told me to rest more since it was only 4.30pm. I laid down and soon I was out like a light. I woke up hours later, realising the room was quiet. Forth must have left, I thought. Just then, he came out from the kitchen, with a bowl of food. He didnt realize i was awake and was busy setting up the table.

"Hey you are awake. Just on time for dinner. Why don't you shower and come back? Food will be ready."

I nodded my head and tried to get up but still felt woozy. Forth realized it and came to help me. He held me tightly whilst bringing me to the toilet.

"You be fine?" I nodded and he left me, closing the door but making sure I didn't lock it. I took a shower slowly and changed into my sweats. I came out topless and looked at Forth sheepishly, motioning for his help as I still feel dizzy when trying to pull on a shirt. He helped me and even got me to sit down whilst he dried my hair.

We had dinner together and I realized he cooked. "Didn't realize you can cook Forth."

"Of course. Haha I even can do housework ok. Perfect husband material." I laughed. We had an enjoyable night. He cleaned up whilst i got chased to take my med and watch TV. By the time he settled down with me, it was already 11pm.

"I better get going. Its so late plus I got hazing tomorrow. U stay away and rest OK." I looked at him about to disagree firmly insisting I turn up when he glared at me.

"OK.. " I agreed instantly. I got better things to do than quarrel with him plus it was Friday anyways. So 1 more day to the weekend. Might as well rest. He left and I went off to sleep.

The next day, I woke up around 10am when I heard my phone ring. "We have a problem. Forth and Pha are quarreling again and this time, it's turning into a full blown fight" I heard Park on the phone. I sighed in frustration, quickly showered and ran off. I went to the Dungeon where the boys were fighting. Yo was sobbing in the background and Park was trying to separate them but it was a mess. Kit and Beam were trying but the two boys weren't listening.

"Oi. Knock it off."
"Forth. I said knock it off. FORTH!" I BELLOWED. They both stopped fighting. I looked at both boys who sported bruises and cuts of various degrees. Once the fight stopped, Yo instantly ran to Pha. I saw Forth's eyes flicker over to that sight and his eyes glazed. He just left the room instantly without any words. I sighed. Park looked at me and I motioned that I got this.

I ran off, searching for Forth. Called him endlessly but he had switched off his phone. I tried the dorm, gym, infirmary and even the field but nothing. I sighed. He would have to come back. We speak then.

I went back to the Dungeon and shouted at Pha. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why do you keep fighting with him over Yo? You know that you two are friends first and foremost right?!?"

"Well if he stopped hitting on my boyfriend, I would be ok. Why does he keep hitting on my Yo?!"

"Hitting on Yo? How?"

"Well today he was buying my Yo lunch and also helped him with his books and all. I already told him before.. "

"That he shouldn't be nice to a fellow junior? He does that for Ming too. And even for you and Beam and Kit. Does it mean he's hitting on you guys?"

"No..but this is Yo.."

"Yo. Why did he buy you lunch?"

"P Lam, I kept trying to tell P Pha but he thought I was taking P Forth's side. I had forgotten my wallet and phone and couldn't call P Pha. I had come to Engineering hoping to use Ming's phone when I bumped into P Forth. So he loaned me his phone to call P Pha whilst he got us lunch since it was lunc time anyways. He even said if I insisted on paying, I could when I got back my wallet. That's all.."

I stared at Pha who had the decency to look chastised.

"He was being nice. Not flirtatious. Fuck off already. I had enough of you and this guy here for a year. " I snarled at them. Pha looked liked he wanted to fight but Park screamed and they walked off. I looked at Park but we both knew finding Forth when he refused to be found was a losing battle.
We decided to wait it out. We went off to have lunch and then chilled together. Finally around 9pm, I went back to my dorm only to find a drunk Forth outside my room.


He looked at me and stood up wobbly. How much had he drank?! Just as I went towards him, he fell into my arms. Jesus. Thank god I could support him. Idiot.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now