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When I had woken up, I found myself on the bed, sleeping on Forth's chest. He was holding me tightly whilst he slept. I didn't know how to read this. It was confusing as we have never been in such a situation before. Forth suddenly loosened his grip and he adjusted himself. I snuck out then and moved away from him. I just laid in bed, my heart thudding wildly. Not sure if this is right or wrong, but we are friends, it shouldn't be that way right?

I crept out slowly and went to shower. I then took my things and left. I switched off my phone and just laid down on my bed, thoughts swarming me. Finding myself in that position had confused me greatly. We are friends, wasn't it weird for us to be in that position?

But my thoughts flitted back to when how I had taken care of him when he was drunk and also on how attentive he had been recently towards me. Do friends behave that way too?

I just groaned in frustration, laid back, my thoughts flooding me. In the end, I fell asleep and when I woke up again, it was 7pm. I switched on my phone to find multiple messages from the boys. In the group chat and privately, but oddly, surprisingly none from Forth. That was odd. I thought he would have texted me but nothing from him. From the messages, I saw that the boys were in Fido bar so I showered, got dressed and went over. I reached the bar only to find everyone in full attendance except for Forth. I just asked Park casually where he was; Park said Forth wasn't up to it. I let it be and we just chilled. However, I realized that I really didn't enjoy chilling without Forth. I decided to leave early, citing a headache around 10pm.

I rode over to Forth's dorm and knocked on the door. He opened the door, nursing a beer bottle. "Didn't see you at the bar, everything ok?"."

"Yeaps, all is good. Just didn't feel up to it. What's up?"

"Nothing, I thought I just come to check on you.."

"I am good, don't worry. Weren't you with them? You guys left early?"

"No, I did. Was wondering what happened to you.. you didn't text either?"

"I had called but your phone was off. I tried a few times, realized it was off all the way so yea.."

"I.. why I switched it off, its because.."

"Don't worry, that's cool. Im cool with it. Got to go Lam. Talk to you tomorrow ok?"

I nodded my head. Before I could turn around to leave, Forth closed the door on me. It felt abit odd but I decided not to read too much into it. I went back to my dorm. I decided to watch tv but got bored. I decided to do my lab work but found myself distracted. I decided to smoke and ended up sitting at the balcony, smoking about 5 sticks when Park called me.

"Where are you?"

"In my room, why?"

"Oh. Then why is Maprang here, looking for you?"

"What? How will I know? Don't tell her where I am. I am so done with her."

"Oh okays. You ok? You sound angry."

"I am not. Am just tired of her and her nonsense. And, ask you. Why did Forth not want to come to the bar again?"

"Well, he said he was tired. He didn't feel up to it, whatever that means."


"You two ok?"

"Yea, we are. Why not?"

"Because when we invited him to the bar, he asked me if you were going. I said you were. Then he asked me if Maprang was going and I said I guess so since I see her here. Then he told me he wasn't feeling too well and didn't want to come."

"Oh. Okays. Sure. Have fun and don tell her where I am ok."

I hung up on Park, standing up, my determination resolved. I decided to go see Forth. I went back to his dorm and knocked on the door but no sound. I kept knocking and knocking but he didn't answer the door. Fucker. As I made my way back to my own room, Park called me.

"Oi, you and Forth playing games, is it? He walked in as I ended my call with you."

"What? Wait, I am coming."

I took my bike and buzzed off to the bar. I reached it about 15 minutes later, walking in, to see Forth making out with a random guy. I sucked in my breath and let it out. I was pissed, for some reason. Don't ask me why, if I knew why, I would tell you but I was pissed for sure and I knew that part clearly. I walked over to the boys, who were busy talking away and chugging beer. I sat next to Park who had his arm around Ming. I chatted with the Medical Princes as I drank. I occasionally glanced over to Forth who hadn't realized I was there. He was busy with that twink on his lap at the bar area. I rolled my eyes and turned away, realizing Pha had caught me. Shit. My face reddened abit and I looked away, pretending to be invested in the conversation with Park and Ming.

Soon, a few minutes later, Forth came over with the boy, introducing him as a junior from the Science department. He saw me, just nodded and continued chatting with the rest, with this boy lounging on him. I started chugging my beer, apparently getting pissed by the minute. Just then, Maprang came up to me. She was being all whiny and flirtatious with me over where I had been. It was the perfect opportunity for me to shade Forth. But for some reason, I didn't feel like doing it. I felt it was petty and why should I, right?

I knew I was pissed with him but why, I couldn't tell. But I wasn't going to do the same thing he did, just to piss him off. If he did feel pissed off. I just looked at Maprang coolly and told her to leave and stop embarrassing herself. She was stunned but she could take a hint and she left. I saw Forth looking at me but I avoided him at all costs. The party became a little awkward thereafter and we decided to leave around midnight.

I left the bar and went to my bike. I stood in front of it for a while, trying to calm down from what happened inside. 
Just then I heard his voice, "are you ok?"

I swirled and turned around on him, "You tell me Forth. Do I seem ok to you? I hear you didn't want to club then I see you making out with some random guy. You tell me, do I seem ok to you?! Why are you even avoiding talking to me? If you are pissed, tell me. Don do shit like kissing random guys." I shouted at him.

We were starting to attract the attention of the other boys. I got pissed and turned away, wanting to get on my bike and ride off but Forth held onto my wrist tightly, refusing to let me go. I tried pulling away from him but come on, fucking losing battle. Forth was as strong and tough as I was. He turned me around and hugged me tight, refusing to let go.

"I am sorry. I was pissed when you switched off your phone. When I found the room empty when I woke up. When I realized you had shut yourself off. I wonder it I did something wrong. I felt I had overstepped my boundaries. So I decided to hold back. Me kissing that boy was just dumb shit. I did it because I was getting pissed that Maprang was looking for you again. I am dumb ok. I'm sorry."

I pulled away from Forth, looking at him. I really didn't know what we were doing anymore but I only knew we both reached for each other at the same time and we kissed.

Smack there, for everyone to see.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now