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I woke up only to find the bed and room empty. Hmm, guess Lam must have left. I sat up, tiredly rubbing my eyes. I got off the bed and saw a bunch of stuff on the table. It wasn't laid out nicely but when I peeked, I saw all of my favorite breakfast items along with black coffee.

Involuntarily, a small smile came over my face. It must have been Lam. I took out my phone and saw the group chat; Park and he were going fishing today. So that left me alone. I decided to go hang out at the Dungeon and game.

I showered, had my breakfast and went to the Dungeon. Max and Tul were there and we all just decided to game together.

"Forth, can I ask you something?" Tul ventured hesitantly.


"Why were you so pissed at Lam yesterday?"

Shit, now I recalled walking off angrily when I saw him with Maprang. I glanced at Tul who looked abit scared but still held his ground determinedly. This stupid Max though, pretended like he didn't hear anything and continued to game though I know otherwise.

"Well, u know. We are friends right and he hadn't eaten. So I was just.." I trailed off, my reasoning seeming lame even to me. I mean that was still no reason to walk off right?

But thankfully Tul decided not to pursue it. He just smiled and we continued gaming. This went on till like 8pm when finally Park came back.

"Hey, how was fishing? Where's Lam?"

"OH, Maprang met us on our way back so she decided to ask him out for dinner."

"OH. He went? Nice. Where did they go?"

"Not sure. But I think she mentioned The Cloud."

"The Cloud?! Ooooo..." my voice trailed off even more hesitantly. That's a fucking date place please. Well, I guess it's nice if he wanted to start dating. She's a nice girl. Likes him. I guess he would like her. They will be a couple. They will just move on with their lives. Right.

I didn't realize it but a frown had come over my face. Just then, I noticed Tul studying me keenly. I cleared my throat, pretended I wanted to buy drinks and scooted off. Tul joined me, saying he would help. I didn't say anything but I was like shit shit.

"You know, The Cloud isn't too far away. Should we just go there to get dinner for everyone? My treat since my birthday is coming and you guys have always been there for me."

I looked at Tul. "Er no need to treat us. We are all friends."

"Right. OK. I was just craving steak that's why."

"Then a craving msut be fulfilled. Let's go and get it quickly and come back." I then dragged Tul with me towards my bike. Just then, I saw Lam coming back on his bike. He was alone.

I stopped in my tracks. Lam saw us, waved at us and parked his bike. He came over.

"Hey where you guys going?"
"OH we are just going.. "
"Where were you from? Didn't see you with Park earlier.."

"Yea, I had caught fishes for our Mech professor. So I had gone to pass it to him and am making my way to the Dungeon since Park said you guys are there."

My face dropped when I heard that. I quickly rearranged my expression and just nodded my head. Tul started laughing. Lam stared at him all confused.

"We were just going to the minimart to buy some food. You go on first ok?"

Lam nodded his head and walked off. I turned to see him go and then I turned towards Tul who had a smirk on his face.

"Don't say a word.............please." Tul just nodded his head at me. For some reason, I had almost behaved like a jealous boyfriend and Tul had caught me out on it.

What the fuck was wrong with me? This is so unlike me. And its Lam we are talking about in the equation. Think I must have been single too long. Dumb ass I was being.

We bought snacks and drinks and went back. I glared at Park who started laughing. Idiot. Lam caught us and looked at us quizzically but I just shook my head, assuring him everything was ok.

We gamed for the rest of the night before leaving at around 3am. Since I had walked there, Lam offered to drop me off. It was a quiet ride back. Once at my dorm, we alighted and he parked the bike. We stayed in the same place, just different floors. As we were walking up, his phone rang. It was Maprang. I couldnt hear her side but I heard his loud and clear.

"ITS 3AM, what are you doing? What do you mean drinking?! Where are you?!" Lam sounded super pissed on the phone. He hung up after a while. I looked at him. "Maprang got horribly drunk at the bar. I gotta go pick her up. She's being an idiot."

"Do you want me to come along?" Lam nodded his head in agreement gratefully. We both went off to the Fido bar, where she was being an absolute idiot. Lam dragged her off and I chased her friends back home too. By the time we got her to her dorm, she was an absolute mess. Lam was so pissed and I could see it. I had to hold him back so that he would not rip at her. We dropped her off and then made sure her roommate took her in safely. We then went back to the dorm; Lam chose to stay over as he was exhausted already. It was 6am by the time we settled down, the first rays of sunshine popping up. I sat down with a cup of black coffee and my cigarette post shower whilst Lam took his. He came out and sat next to me. I saw that his hair was still wet.

"You want to fall sick, is it? Do dry your hair" Lam waved me off, just slouching further into the sofa. I rolled my eyes, went to take a towel, made him sit up and dried his hair for him. I then kept away the towels before coming back. We just sat there and stoned together for a bit. A little while later, I felt Lam nodding off on me. He kept sitting up and adjusting himself. "Go sleep on the bed" I nagged at him. "Don't want. Lazy. Let me be" he muttered grumpily. Lam was a grumpy man when he was tired. He kept nodding off a few times. Finally, I just pulled him towards me, and made him rest his head on my shoulders. "Don't fight it. Just rest first." He fell asleep right after I said that. I just sat there, with him sleeping on my shoulders. It actually felt really nice. I peered down at him, noticing his eye lashes. Lam had such nice lashes? I shook myself abruptly, just feeling odd, that I keep noticing new things about Lam recently. Have I really been taking him for granted? Or never just noticed him before?

Either way, it was causing this warm fuzzy but yet unexplainable feeling in me. And I cannot seem to pinpoint what it was but I knew that Lam lying on my shoulders didn't freak me out anymore. In fact, I quite welcome it. 

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now