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It's been 3 days and the police too had no clue on where he was and who could have taken him.

The boys have been helping me, going to all of his favorite spots and more and nothing. Park and I have been talking to everyone whom Forth might have offended.

But come on, he's a university student! Why would anyone do anything to him!? And if they did and I found out, that person is so dead in my hands. I sat with my hands in my head, worried to pieces over Forth.

This was wrecking havoc on me. As I sat there, wondering what to do next, Maprang came and sat there, with a drink for me.

"You ok Lam? You look stressed. Is it over Forth?"

I looked at her. "I heard it from the boys. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"It's ok Maprang. Thank you. Bit we got this. I am sure we find him soon."

"I understand. It mustn't be easy. If you need anything or anyone, I'm here ok?"

"Thank you." I nodded my head at her as she went off for classes. She was a good kid, just a little obsessed with me but recently she has just been a really nice friend to me.

I went over what I knew and I decided to try and retrace Forth's last steps again. I called Yo who came by. He told me that he had sought Forth's help over his father's business that day. After Forth had helped him, he took off towards the Engineering bulding cutting through the Science field as a shortcut. That day around that timing, the Science football team must have been there.

I went off to look for any of them on that team. I found P Saint and I spoke to him, asking him if he remembered anything about Forth that day. He said he saw Forth walking through the field when Maprang came up to him. Ah that was interesting. He said he only remembered  because she looked really pretty but yet Forth didn't seem too surprised by her and in fact he seemed abit pissed talking to her but he eventually followed her somewhere.

I cocked my head thoughtfully at that information. Maprang hasn't said anything about having seen him and why would she hide that information unless she has.. no, it can't be. Saint was looking at me confused until I thanked him, bade him goodbye. I called the boys and told them what I learnt.

We decided to get together in my room and came up with a plan. We may not know the answers immediately but it was worth a shot. I just hoped Forth will hang on till then.

As part of the plan, the boys and I decided to go to the bar to chill. I was drinking (for everyone to see) but truly it was just water. Just then Maprang and her girls came in. She saw me and came over to say hi. I just smiled at her and made some polite chit chat. She invited me to down some shots with her. I said OK but stopped at 3. We chatted for a bit before I made my way back to the boys. I reminded her not to drink so much because I didnt want to be sending her home again. I smiled to myself secretly as I walked back knowing that she would deliberately drink herself to oblivion so I would send her home.

True enough, around 2am, she was staggering around drunk. I went over and scolded her; and dragged her home. As I was bringing her back, her phone rang. I offered to pick it up for her but drunk she was, she still did so herself and was all hush hush on the phone. I pretended to not hear and then I sent her home.

Once she was in her dorm, I went off but hid around the corner. I had a feeling she would be out soon. True enough, an hour later, she slipped out, fresh faced. Bitch had taken a shower to sober up. I called the boys and told them I will be sharing my location. Park offered to call the police too and I set off, following her quietly.

A 30 minute journey later, I arrived at a warehouse. It was part of a fleet of warehouses that belonged to her family as they dealt in antiques. The police soon arrived too and warned me to stay aside as they made their way into the warehouse.

I stood outside, itching to run in but decided to hold it back a little. The boys soon joined me and we heard shouting and screaming. We ran in, only to see the police pointing their guns at 2 guys and Maprang who had a knife against Forth. He was all beaten up, flushed out and bloody. He also looked like he had eaten in days!

What has this bitch been doing to Forth?!?!? But it was a sticky situation and we had to tread carefully. Forth caught my attention. I caught him looking at me and signalling. We haven't been friends for so long if I I know how to read his eyes. I wasn't on board with his idea but it was worth a shot.

"Maprang! Let him go and we can talk. You just want me. Hurting him isn't going to help."

"Oh really? The way I see it, no Forth just means no competition. So why not?"

"Hurting him isn't going to make me like you. It doesn't mean anything."

"Really? How about killing him then?"


"If you want him to be alive, simple. Date me. Actually agree to marry me and I will let him go. No questions asked. And don think about lying to me because if I can hurt him once, I can do it again and again and.."

ARGH! Just as Maprang was talking, Forth suddenly kicked her! She lost her balance and Forth just ran forward. I ran towards Forth and pulled him down as the police fired shots and it landed on the 2 guys and at Maprang's knees. I covered Forth as the mayhem went down.

The boys ran to us and got us. We were pulled off to the side and the police arrested Maprang and the guys. Paramedics came in and took Forth with them. I refused to let go and followed them all the way back to the hospital.

Forth was whisked off for tests and some minor surgery. I sat outside the whole time, anxious about him. Forth's parents came too and they were shocked over what had happened. Forth's mum sat with me when she realized I was tearing. She rubbed my shoulders and comforted me.

"I really hope he's OK Mae. I don't want anything happening to him. He's been through alot. He deserves more. He deserves better. I would do anything to make sure he is OK." I cried softly.

"Then you make sure you are by my son's side 24/7 from now on. Ok? In any way you want to be with him. And you know you are always accepted."

I looked at her, tearfully and she hugged me tight. Both our fears being comforted by the other as we awaited news of Forth.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now