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I only recall being supported somewhere by Lam before I felt cold water being doused at me!
I sat up instantly, cringing from the sudden headache and also the coldness of the water. I looked up to see Lam staring at me whilst I was seated on the floor in the bathroom. I tried to stand up and he helped me up.

"Shower Forth. It make you feel better." I nodded my head quietly but I struggled to take off my clothes. Lam saw me struggling, sighed and helped me. He took off my shirt and pants, casting his eyes elsewhere as I stripped myself off. He turned to go and I held onto his hands.

"I..I'm scared..l fall. Stay.." I slurred abit incorrigibly. Lam glared at me but pulled up a stool, made me sit on it whilst he showered me. He lathered soap all over and scrubbed me down. He finally towelled me dry, brought me out, threw a pair of sweats at me and went to keep the dirty clothes away. I pulled on the sweats and sat on the couch, hair dripping still. Lam walked over, dried my hair and switched on the TV, threatening me to sit quietly till he was done with his shower. I nodded my head and sat down. But the liquor must have hit me as I passed out in fatigue.

I woke up hours later, seeing the bed side clock shine 3am. I sat up slowly, finding a bottle of water and painkillers on the table side. I took it and gulped it down. I looked around and saw Lam at the balcony, smoking away.

I slowly walked over, rubbing my head in 2nd hand embarrassment. "Sorry Lam, I.." He waved away my apology.

"It's fine. You ok?"
"Yea. Headache but ok. Aren't you sleeping?"
"I will. You go sleep first."

He glared at me so i just took 2 steps back and turned away. But instead of walking off, I turned around and snatched his cigarette from him. I stubbed it out and dragged him with me to the bed. Lam was so stunned, that he didn't fight me and by the time he wanted to, I was already in bed with him.

"Good night Lam. Sleep tight."
I caught him looking at me and smiled very tiny. I chuckled and soon we dozed off.

I woke up hours later, finding Lam in my arms. Oooof! When did this happen!? I scooted back slowly, almost falling off the bed. The commotion woke him up. He sat up, blearily and I just smiled sheepishly at him. He rolled his eyes and got off the bed, going to shower and all. I think he had no idea that he was in my arms. Not going to tell him either. It will just freak him out. It felt so coupley but er no. This was Lam and myself we were talking about.

We ain't a couple, we bros for life.

[Author's  POV: Let's see about that, shall we Forth? Never say never.]

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now