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When I woke up in the morning, I saw myself on Forth's chest. I was holding on to him. I slowly moved away and he stirred, waking up too. I looked at ourselves and realized our clothes was everywhere. My face reddened when I saw that as memories of last night came crashing. But the bit that stood out the most was Forth telling me not to regret it.

I looked up at Forth who was awake and had turned on his side to look at me. I reached out to cup his face, "I don't regret it. I realized I never made that clear."

Forth's eyes shone when he heard that. He leaned forward to kiss me on my forehead. I snuggled upto him and he just cradled me. Just then, my phone rang. I answered without looking and as I wanted to take a look at the caller, I realized it was a video call and it was Park!

"Argh! Put down now!"I finally squeaked. Park started laughing and told me to please be decent before he called again. He hung up on me, I was completely embarrassed. But Forth was being all calm about it but I saw his neck. It was all red and the blush was creeping up. I smiled and just dove into him. He held me tight and we just stayed like that for a bit. An hour later, we finally got dressed and ready to leave. My back was hurting but I kept a strong face on. We went to the Engineering canteen where Park and the boys were. When they saw us, they all cheered.

I slid into a seat and sat down, quiet as fuck. Forth sat next to me but was equally quiet too. Park realized it and for once, the man practised common sense. He decided to tone it down. Forth offered to go buy food for us and he went off with Max. Tul and Park looked at me.

"Is everything ok?"
"Yea it is. Its just that.. that's Forth. My best friend. My buddy. But last night.."
"Was anything but he being your buddy but neither were you."

"Things changed, didn't it?"
"Things didn't change. They are finally what they should be. Look at yourself and Forth. You always been so inseparable, in your own way, you always look out for each other. He protects you, you stop him from making dumb decisions. He makes sure you rein it in when you are upset. You stop him from doing all the dumb shit and call him out on it. The only thing you guys didn't do is kiss. And you did it last night. And oh yea, show how insanely jealous you can be of each other. But you guys finally did. That's why I say you guys finally came full circle. It was meant to happen."

I looked at Tul who was so fucking intuitive. I was speechless.

"If you must know, I am not sure when your feelings for Forth changed. But his for you did a long time ago. Since the time you guys went fishing and Park lied insinuated that Maprang and you went on a date. You should have seen his face. Boy was so desperate to find you and when he realized he had been pranked, he made sure I didn't breathe a word."

I glared at Park who just chuckled. Just then; Forth came back with our food. He sat down and laid it out. Park started chatting with Forth and Tul was bugging Max on something. I was grateful to those two as that left me alone to my flooding thoughts a bit. Once we finished our food, it was time for us to head to classes.

But just then, Yo came looking for Forth. He needed help for his dad's issue again. Yo begged Forth to skip his first class to help him as it was urgent. Surprisingly Forth looked at me, "is it OK for me to go help him? Share the notes with me later?".

I felt the boys looking at me but my eyes were focused on Forth only. I nodded, "be safe and don take too long"

He nodded and ran off. I turned to see the boys looking at me.

"What? I trust Forth."
"I know you do. But why did he ask you first before he left?"
"Because... he jsut didn't want us to worry?'

"Really!.!?" Park snorted. I chuckled, my blush starting to creep up again. I just rubbed my head in exasperation, told Park to hurry the fuck up and we went off to class.

I expected Forth to come back an hour or 2 later. Only problem, he didn't turn up the whole morning. I waited till 2pm and still no sound. I went off to Science to look for Yo who was busy talking to Ming.

"Yo, Where's Forth!?"
"P Lam, Forth went back around 11am itself. Hasn't he reached class?"
"11am? But he didnt come back at all.."
"Shit. Where did he go but he told me he had to rush back to class though.."

I sat down, confused by what I had just heard. Ming came over to me too and called Park whilst he was at it. Yo called Pha and the rest whilst I kept trying Forth's phone which kept ringing but no one was answering.

Where the fuck did Forth go?

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now