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I sat up groggily, finding myself tied to a pillar. Where the fuck was I? I remember helping Yo and then walking back towards class. Then, I find myself here?!

What the fuck?!? I tried to untie the knots but it was super hard. I tugged and tugged but to no avail. I looked around and it looked like I was in some warehouse. Really?! I wasn't even that rich, why would anyone kidnap me?! And I didn't offend anybody at school, right?

I just laid back, tired out. What exactly happened? Just then, the door to the warehouse opened and someone walked in. I looked up and sat up straighter as the person came into view.

It was Maprang! What the......?!

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at her.

"What am I doing? Well, maybe for starters I am just keeping you away from my man."

"Your man?! You mean Lam? Maprang, don be an idiot. Lam doesn't like you that way and you know that.."

"Well if he didnt, why did he come that day at 3am to pick me up?!"

"You called him! He would have done that for anyone. And you were drunk. Even I would have come though I don't know you that well and I did!"

"He's just confused by your presence. What are you doing with him? He's not gay. Stop making him gay."

"Are you even hearing yourself? No one can make anyone else gay. I dunno if Lam is gay or not. Heck i don't even know if I'm gay or not. I just know I have feelings for him. You really need to understand that. Stop putting things in a box. Why are you doing this? Whether Lam likes me or not, I know he doesn't like you Maprang. Stop hurting yourself and him."

"He has never told me he doesn't like me. If you weren't there, i am sure he will fall for me. You are just the hindrance. And if you aren't there, I am sure Lam will fall for me.."

"Do you hear yourself? How silly or deluded you ..."

"Shut up!!!!!!!" Maprang screamed. And she threw a knife at me. I tried to dodge it but it hit my left shoulder and caused a cut. I groaned. Maprang was just losing it. Contrary to her calm collected self, her actual self didn't seem that put together. How the hell am I supposed to escape this hell?

"You think you are going to escape?"

I looked at her stunned wondering if I had spoken my thoughts out loud. Maprang chuckled drily.

"Trust me, I know what's going through your head. But to answer you, no. You aren't going anywhere. Not anymore."

I looked at Maprang. This woman was deranged. She really had no idea of what she was doing.

"OH you have no idea of what I have in store for you. Let's just say you are going to be here for a while..."

With that, Maprang laughed and walked out, but 2 other guys walked in. They looked much older and bigger. To be honest, if I wasn't tied up, I can still fight them. But I was in a very difficult position and they looked like they were going to give me a present.

I groaned badly in pain. I was all beaten up and hurting badly by the time they were done. I stared at those fellows, mentally calculating their fate when I got my hands on them, if I do. And when I do.

Maprang was a bitch, an absolute one, she didn't give me food or drinks and these guys "visited" me daily twice a day. I really don't know how long I can keep up. Keeping Lam in mind was the only thing keeping me going.

XOXO, Forth (FORTHXLAM) (BOYXBOY) (OOMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now