II. Mystery Man (Persephone)

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II. Mystery Man (Persephone)

The party was a bit tense to say the least. Everyone outside of my mother were happy for me, but I could tell without even looking at my mother that she was sad about me being a fertility goddess. It meant that I would not always be under her thumb which for me was great but I had no idea how I would be from under her thumb as overprotective she was.

One time I had went just a little far out from the meadow and she locked me up for days as punishment. I couldn't even imagine if I had actually came to Olympus or any other realm outside of her own.

While my mother conversed with Artemis and Athena, I went outside to the balcony to look at the beautiful stars. It was rare for me to see the stars from this close distance. I had only been to Olympus twice. Once for my christening which of course I didn't remember and the second time was for Aphrodite's wedding.

I was so lost in the stars that I had not realized someone was behind me.


"Yes, they are," I said turning to see whose dark velvety voice spoke.

He looked like the most beautiful thing I had ever seen that was filled with darkness. From his dark chiton to his dark eyes. His face was chiseled to the Gods and his frame was very tall at least a foot taller than me and muscular but not overly muscular like Apollo and Ares. I had to catch myself for I was gawking far too long.

I turned back to the stars embarrassed. I could feel my cheeks turning a slight shade of red. He came closer standing right next to me. He smelled of sweet wine and daffodils which was odd considering he did not look like he would.

"They are too," he stated also looking up at the stars.

"What were you referring to then?" I asked naively.

"I think or at least I hope you know who I was referring to."

My cheeks were definitely red now.

"I don't recall seeing you at the ceremony."

"Yeah I apologize for that. I was held up by business. I do now deeply regret it."

"Its fine. It wasn't much to see other than me getting crowned and named. I'm sure your business was much more interesting."

"I'm not sure if you're mocking me or not, but I assure you no business was worth missing you become Goddess."

This made me blush even more. "I am definitely not mocking you. You look like a God of great importance, assuming you are a God."

"I am indeed."

Silence takes over and I am in lost in my thoughts of what to say next. I have never been this nervous before. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. Such a novel feeling indeed.

"I must get to the party. I'm sure Zeus is already very furious with me as is. Don't want to keep him waiting any longer than I have to, but it was nice finally meeting you Persephone," he said taking my hand and kissing it.

I almost lost my footing as he did so. "Wait, what is your name?"

"I'd prefer to keep that a mystery for now," he said with a smirk.

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now