I. Coronation (Persephone)

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I. Coronation (Persephone)

Today was the day that I would finally become a Goddess. To face the unknown was a bit disconcerting yet invigorating. Mother and I had prepared for this day since I could remember and now that it was finally happening, I didn't know how to feel. I would be presented to the Olympians, where I would receive my namesake, my title.

"Are you ready, my precious Kore." My mother asked, starring me up and down in awe.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

I was nervous but at the same time excited that my rite of passage was happening.

When we arrived, every God and Goddesses were sitting in their perspective thrones. Zeus, my father, in the center with arms outstretched. I turned to my mother who nodded for me to go up to him.

"Daughter, it has been too long. You look stunning."

"Thank you Father," I breathed as I went up to receive his hug. On his left sat Hera who gave me a forced smile which was understandable considering I was his bastard child and then to his right sat Poisedon who also outstretched his arms for me to hug him.

"You are indeed ravishing, my dear niece."

I then noticed there was one throne seat missing. Zeus must have noticed for he exclaimed, "Don't worry about him. He rarely shows up to any events and if he does it's never on time."

I didn't know much about the God of the Underworld, but from what my mother told me, it wasn't very great. She said that he was the least favorite of the Gods because people feared him and thought of his realm as desolate and barren. 

"We shall begin," Zeus bellowed rising from his seat. He took my hand and lead me to the center of the room where another throne sat. He ushered for me to sit as the Moirai came out to judge my title.

They circled around me as Zeus backed away and back to his throne.

The first, who looked to be the youngest, stepped up to me and softly touched my cheek. "I am Clotho, Beauty as grand as the oceans, the seas, the meadows, and all of Olympus put together, you will no longer be called Kore, maiden of the meadows and of springtime growth but Persephone, Goddess of Spring.

She moved to let the next sister to take her place. "I am Lachesis. Like my sister before me revealed, you are a radiant beauty, no longer maiden, a bounty of spring, but Goddess of Spring and also vegetation." She moved to let the last sister take her place.

"And I am Atropos. In time, you will see your powers grow and receive one more epithet but until that time, you will be known solely as Goddess of Spring, Nature, and..." she hesitated, looking to my mother Demeter and then back to me, "fertility."

I turned to my mother who looked distraught at the last revelation. 

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