IV. Hades (Hades)

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IV. Hades (Hades)

I never thought there would come a day that I would be stunned by such a beauty. Not that I haven't seen beauty quite as exquisite as she for there was Aphrodite, but there was something very different about her. I could not quite put my finger on what it was, but she was enticing with her long golden brown hair, tantalizing blue eyes and wickedly adorable smile. How I longed to kiss those plush pink lips.

What am I saying? I could never be with someone as great and innocent as she. I was Hades, God of the Underworld, a dark and desolate place. No Goddess especially one as pure as she would ever want to be with me or in the Underworld.

"Hades, its about time you came. You missed the main event as usual brother. What am I going to do with you?" Zeus asked extending out his arms for me to hug. I accepted reluctantly. I hated giving fake hugs but I had already done enough damage. I wasn't going to tempt fate further by not hugging my zealous brother.

"Stop asking me to come to such tiresome events maybe."

"You know I would never stop inviting you when you are still my beloved brother no matter how estranged we may be. How is the Underworld? Find a wife yet?"

"The Underworld is as it always is, filled with souls I have to attend to. And as far as a wife goes, you know there is no maiden or Goddess crazy enough to consort with the likes of me."

"You sell yourself too short Hades. What about that flower nymph, Maize?" Zeus pondered.

"She's a flower nymph and beyond that, my personal assistant."

"That didn't stop you from forming a sexual relationship," Aphrodite chimed in. I forgot she had the power to see into everyone's relationships especially ones of lust and love.

"And that's as far as it's going to go or I should say went since we are now strictly business."

"Hmm....seems you have a new love interest in mind." Aphrodite read through my mind's eye which I absolutely hated.

"It's nothing."

"Brother you have a love interest? Do tell? Who is she or him? I don't discriminate."

"It's no one. Aphrodite you are sadly mistaken and maybe a bit rusty on your powers."

"My powers are in tip top shape. I never make mistakes. I'll find out sooner or later."

"And this is why I hate coming to these things. I am out of here." I started to turn away but Zeus put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait brother. I do want to find you a bride and I thought that maybe I could throw a ball for you to find her."

"Thanks but no thanks. I am content with being alone."

"No one is content with being alone," Aphrodite spoke.

"Well you don't have a choice in the matter. I am throwing you a ball in a fortnight. You will be able to make your selection with all the Goddesses and maidens that will be there."

"You can't force me to come to something Zeus. You have nothing on me."

"But I do." He gave me a stern look and I remembered exactly what he was getting at. Fuck!

"Okay you got it. You can have your little ball but that doesn't mean I have to find a bride."

And with that I left.

With my chariot, it didn't take me long to return to the Underworld. On the way, I found some scraps of meat to feed Cerebus and kindly fed it to him as I entered the palace.

"Sire, it is good to see you back. How was it?" Thanatos exclaimed as he bowed.

"Exasperating as usual. Any news?"

"Just more souls waiting to be judged, sire."

"Well to it I go."

I thought again about her. How I wished there was a way to see her again. But who I was kidding, even if there was a way to see her again, would she really want to see me if she knew who I was?

She would probably hate it here. It took me a millennia to get used to this place and sometimes I still hate it. Not to mention my dark side. Would she be okay with the real me? The me that no one got to see.

I think not. It was stupid to even think of her further but I couldn't help myself. She was enchanting and I hoped with all hope no matter how absurd it was that she would be attending the ball. 

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now