V. Artemis and Athena (Persephone)

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V. Artemis and Athena (Persephone)

It wasn't long before Athena and Artemis found us. They were great at hunting everything and not even my mother's powers of cloaking could hide us from them. When they arrived, I was picking flowers in the meadow.

"Hi there Persephone."

"How do you know it's me?"

"Oh we can smell the Goddess in you, it took us a while but we know your mother well and we knew that she would pick a place as beautiful as the meadow near Olympus where you stayed before."

"Where is your mother?" Artemis asked.

"She's in the cottage making lunch."

"It is quite unfair that you have to spend your days as a mortal when you have so much potential to be so much more than picking flowers and growing them."

"Is she at least going to let you go to the ball?" Athena asked.

"What ball?"

"Zeus is throwing a masquerade ball for Hades to find a bride. You have to come. It will be so much fun." Athena said.

"I would love to, but mother would never let me go."

"Maybe if we ask her, she might let you go."

"I truly doubt it."

"Come with us." Artemis smirked, taking one of my arms while Athena took the other, leading me to the cottage.

Mother was stirring some stew in the cauldron. When she looked up, she saw us coming in and smiled.

"Demeter, how are you?" Artemis asked, giving her a hug. Athena hugged her next and then they both sat down at the table. I followed suit.

"Hi, Athena, Artemis. Its so lovely to see you both. I knew you would find us sooner or later. You must stay for some lunch."

"We shall but we have a proposition for you."

"What is it?" Mother asked sternly, obviously not liking the word proposition.

"Have you heard of the upcoming ball Zeus is throwing for Hades?"

"Yes, and I think it is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. No Goddess will want to live in the Underworld or with him for that matter. How forlorn a fate."

"Well, we thought it might be fun if Persephone came along with us."

"That is out of the question." Mother went back to stirring her stew.

"But she doesn't get to do anything besides be here in the meadow with you and although that is lovely that she is learning from such a great Goddess such as yourself, we thought it would be good for Persephone to see more of Olympus. To get a taste of a new scenery if only to have a moment of fun."

She turned back to us, looking grimmer. "The answer is still no. So they can fawn over her and try to take her. The Gods that will be there will try to ruin her innocence and I will not have that."

"It's a masquerade ball so they won't even know its her, Demeter." Artemis protested.

"Please mother. I never get to do anything, and this sounds like it will be truly exhilarating." I begged going up to her and grabbing her by the arm.

"That's what I am afraid of. That it will be too exhilarating that you won't want to come back." She answered honestly.

"Mother I promise you I will return just like I am now. Please let me go this once."

After a long pause, she sighed. "Fine but you will be under the care of Artemis and Athena at all times. Make sure she does not leave your sight for a moment."

"You are not going Demeter?" Athena inquired.

I wanted to hit Athena for asking that but luckily my mother immediately grimaced.

"I have no time for such frivolities."

"Well then we will be back in a couple of days to get you dressed and ready, Persephone. I have the perfect gown and mask for you." Artemis said.

I was so excited. I couldn't believe mother was actually letting me go and I hoped with all hope that I would see my mystery God again. 

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