XII. Hecate (Persephone)

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XII. Hecate (Persephone)

The days I went to see the Underworld with Hades, were the most fun. I could not wait for the days when Artemis and Athena showed up to take me to him. My mother so far had been none the wiser. My powers were growing, and I easily was able to spruce up Hades' garden.

As weeks started to pass, I started to wonder more and more when I was going to see his dark side. I wanted to see it so bad because he seemed so kind and welcoming. Almost too kind.

One day, my mother came out of the cottage to greet me as I picked flowers.

"Persephone, can we talk dear?"

"Sure mother."

"I thought long and hard about you being a Fertility Goddess and I've decided that if it pleases you, you may marry."

"Really mother?"

"But under one condition."

My face dropped.

"You marry either Apollo or Ares."

"I don't get a say in who I would like to marry."

"You don't know any of the Gods to make that choice."

I cursed myself for I could not say I did know one that I could see myself marrying.

"Apollo may not be the best of the Gods when it comes to honor, but he will make a far better husband than many of the others. Ares as well. So choose."

I wanted to tell her I'd rather poke both of my eyes out but instead I said, "What if I don't want to marry either one."

"Then you will live your life as a Goddess of Spring and Spring only."

Later I went to Hades and told him the ordeal.

"Typical Demeter." He spat. "What makes her think they would be good for you. Apollo sleeps around like nobody's business and Ares is too much into war to appreciate you."

"Thank you for saying so." I said, touching his cheek which seemed to surprise him and it surprised me as well. Feeling embarrassed, I quickly took my hand away. 

"I...uh...yeah your mother is a piece of work."

"I don't even understand why now she would make that announcement."

"For she knows more than what you give her credit for." A woman with a dark peplos said. Her hair was wild, fiery red and her skin as pale as Hades.

"Hecate, what are you doing here?"

"Come to see my dear cousin."

"You rarely come to see me unless you're bringing bad news."

"Well Demeter summoned me to find out what her precious daughter is up to with Athena and Artemis."

"Did you tell her?" I asked in horror.

"No, I only told her that she may want to think twice about you being just a Goddess of Spring. That it may do more harm than good to keep you from your other title roles."

"But you knew that I have been coming down here with Hades instead of being with Artemis and Athena?"

"Nothing gets past Hecate." She said in the third person with a laugh. "But you should know all good things come to an end and it would seem that Demeter is wary of something going on that she is not seeing if she summoned me."

"That's why she wants me to marry Apollo or Ares."

"And I say do it if it will get you away from your mother." Hecate returned.

"But she does not love them." Hades intervened.

"And how would you know that," Hecate eyed him thoroughly.

"Because its true. I do not know them enough to marry them nor do I want to marry them at all."

"Who do you want to marry then?" Hecate smirked looking from Hades and then back to Persephone.

"Someone that I know and love."

"And have you found that?"

I could not make myself turn to look at Hades for I knew if I did he would see the truth in my eyes.

"What's with the third-degree Hecate?" Hades asked before I could answer her thank goodness.

"I'm just trying to see if I can help her out. I know she doesn't just want to be Goddess of Spring all of her life or under her mother for that matter."

"Well I do like it down here in the Underworld but my mother would never allow me to stay here."

"Unless she had no choice." Hecate spoke.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Call me crazy but what if you married someone from this realm that would forever bind you to the Underworld."

"That is crazy and something that I would never want for her."

"But why?" I asked, not understanding his objection to me staying in the Underworld.

"Because I don't want you to live another life stuck somewhere you didn't want to be."

"But I want to be here. I love it here."

"You say that now because its new and different but what about eons from now? And you are also the Goddess of Spring. You cannot leave your duties to be down here all of eternity."

"You said eating here only binds me for half of the year so what if I am only here during autumn and winter. And then home with mother during spring and summer."

"That could work but she would have to agree to it." Hades countered.

"Which she would never do unless you were bound by marriage." Hecate retorted.

Who could I marry in the Underworld? I barely knew anyone besides Hades. And then that's when it clicked. What if I married Hades?

"Hades what if...we were to marry," I said slowly, looking away from him in fear that he would detest the thought.

"Marriage just to stay in the Underworld is not necessary. I welcome you without that kind of bond."

"You may welcome her but without that bond, Demeter has a say in where she goes and can take her away forever."

"I don't want to marry you out of convenience."

"Do you not want to marry me at all?" I found the courage to ask.

"That's not what I'm saying. I just wouldn't want to marry you like this."

"But if you don't you may never see her again. I don't think Demeter is going to allow Persephone anymore 'study sessions' with Athena and Artemis after today."

"You mean I must marry her now?"

"I could have Hera here in five minutes." Hecate said.

"But will Hera agree to the union."

"Hera already knows as does Zeus. They both think it would be wise that you marry her. Her coming here has been quite inappropriate in Zeus's words without marriage. Not my words by the way."

"Well, I guess there's only one thing to do," Hades said getting down on one knee, "Persephone, will you marry me?"

I couldn't believe what I was about to say but it seemed to come so naturally. "Yes, Hades, I will marry you."

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