VII. The Ball Part Two (Persephone)

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VII. The Ball Part Two (Persephone)

When we arrived, everything looked so extravagant. I had never seen something so rich besides my coronation but this was even more so elaborate than that.

"What do you think?" Artemis asked.

"Everything is so beautiful. I have never seen anything more extravagant in my entire life."

I wondered how Hades looked. Would he be scary and unapproachable like they said? As I looked up to the throne, I finally saw him and my, was I taken aback. Even with the mask I could tell he was very attractive in a dark and mysterious way. I daresay almost more attractive than the mystery guy I met at my coronation. Suddenly our eyes met and I wanted to look away but at the same time I wanted to keep staring. I wanted him to seek me out and disregard the rest of the ball as silly as that sounded.

"So are you going to dance with the infamous Hades?" Athena exclaimed making me take my eyes from him. She noticed me staring at him and looked amused. 

"I don't know. Mother would be furious."

"Mother isn't here." Athena pointed out. 

"Come on, let's go frolic with the rest of the guests."

"And who might this be," said Apollo. I could tell from his sun emblem on his chiton who he was.

"Yes, such an ornate beauty you are," said Ares. I knew who he was from his war emblem.

"Pe-" I started but Artemis cut me off.

"This is a masquerade ball. Leave it a mystery," Artemis cut in.

"Well I hope to share a dance before the night is up, my lady," Apollo said taking my hand and kissing it.

"I as well," Ares said taking my other hand and kissing it.

They really didn't affect me in the slightest and I was quite annoyed actually that I would have to dance with either one of them when all I wanted to do was dance with him.

It took me a while to get away from Athena and Artemis. I had to wait until they were deep in conversation about war with Ares and Apollo. As much as I loved them, I wanted to explore the palace on my own.

I went up the stairs to go to the balcony and examined the night sky once again. It was refreshing to see the stars this close. I could see all of the constellations.


"Yes they are," I said feeling like this was a bit of déjà vu as I recognized the voice. 

"They are too," he said which made me turn to see it was Hades. He was the mysterious man. I could tell by his voice this was the same man.

"It's you."

"And it's you."

He stood next to me.

"Shouldn't you be hosting?"

"I find the view better out here. I too, never get to see the stars this close or at all in my realm. The one great thing about Olympus in my opinion."

"I'm sorry you never get to see the stars. That has to be quite sad."

"Not really. I've learned to adapt and find beauty in my midnight sky."

"I would love to see your realm. I bet its beautiful."

"You're the first to ever say that."

"I think there is beauty in all realms."

"Again you're the first to ever say that."

"You just said there is beauty in your midnight sky and I believe it."

"There is more darkness than beauty I should warn."

"There is beauty in darkness. I might quite like that. It would be a far great change from the one I have to see every day."

"You would want to see my realm?"

"I would love to see it. Could we go now?"

"What would they say about me leaving my own ball?"

"Oh yeah I forgot."

"Perhaps another time?"

"Getting away from my mother is the problem. She barely wanted me to go to the ball tonight. Artemis and Athena had to convince her to let me go as long as I stayed under them."

"Your mother is quite..."

"You can say it...overbearing."

"Not exactly what I was going to say but yes she indeed is."

"Well I can't get away from her after tonight. That's why I asked if I could see it tonight."

"Won't they be looking for you?"

"I don't care. I want to see your realm."

"I suppose I could still an hour or two away with you if you really want to see it."

"Thank you," I squealed and without thinking hugged him. He gave me the most amused look as he saw my cheeks turn a slight pink as I realized what I had just done.

"Well we better get a move on. Time is of the essence."

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now