XI. The Underworld II (Hades)

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XI. The Underworld II (Hades)

I was a bit taken aback to see Artemis and Athena waiting along with Persephone. I didn't know whether to turn back or not but something told me to keep going as she looked happy to see me.

"So it is you who have seduced fair Persephone into the Underworld." Athena said.

"I wouldn't exactly say seduced. She wanted to come of her own free will."

"Yes I indeed did." Persephone responded. 

"Well you know what will happen if this goes south?" Artemis exclaimed. 

"I am very much aware and I find it appalling that Demeter would ever go that far when she is smothering her daughter and making her life secluded. She should be able to explore wherever she wants to go."

"I don't argue that. In fact, it's very logical but Demeter does not see logic when it comes to her daughter. Please have her back before night fall."

"Thank you," Persephone said as she drew closer to me.

"I will," I said, taking her by the arm.

"What will we explore first?" She asked enthusiastically.

"I thought you might like to see all that the palace has to offer. I also have my duties with the judging and I thought you might like to see that."

"I would love to."


It didn't take us long to get to the palace. I showed her all of the bedrooms and where she could potentially be sleeping if she could stay the night that is. I showed her the garden which she said she would love to start working on the next time she visits which I said she could start if she wanted but did not have to, but she insisted, saying how she wanted to bring even more beauty into the realm with her gifts.

Finally, we reached the judgment room and there was a throne not only for me, but another one for if I ever decided to have a queen. I don't know why I put one there seeing as that was never going to happen, but I guess a small part of me hoped. Now Persephone could sit next to me as I judged the souls that came in.

I didn't think she would find it very interesting to judge the souls but she seemed at the edge of her seat the whole time and observed everyone well. The last soul to come in was a warrior who had done many good deeds but had one big bad deed that he had done.

"Tell me, why should I allow you into the Elysian Fields?"

"To be honest, I do not know if I am worthy of it after what I did in the war."

"If that is your selling point, that's not a very good one."

"Its not a selling point. I know I don't deserve to go into the Elysian Fields."

"If you don't mind Hades, can I ask a question?" Persephone asked.


"What did you do that was so bad that you wouldn't be worthy of going into the Elysian Fields?"

"I left a warrior behind, my good friend Elliot and he died soon after. He was stuck in quicksand and there was no way for me to get him out."

"Did you mean to leave him?"

"I did. I knew if I stayed, I would have died in the quicksand as well, but I ended up dying anyways."

"Do you regret leaving him?"

"With all my heart and soul."

"Then I believe you deserve to go to the Elysian Fields." Persephone said, "But of course its not up to me to decide." She turned towards me and I was shocked how much of a natural she was at this.

"As do I," I exclaimed and had Thanatos escort him to the Elysian Fields.

"Wow you really know what you're doing."

"I only listened to his story and determined if he was a good soul by his tone and voice. He seemed very remorseful."

"Indeed, he did."

"I am a bit peckish, do you have anything to eat?"

"Well I do but the thing is if you eat anything from the Underworld, you will have to stuck here for at least half of the year."

"Is this a rule you made up?"

"Unfortunately not. If it was something I made up, I would have done away with it. I'm so sorry."

"Well its probably time for me to head back anyways. It was great being here and seeing your work in action. You are nothing like they say."

"And what is that?" I asked as I walked her back.

"Mean, unkind, merciless."

"You haven't seen my dark side, that's why you say that now."

"I don't believe you have one but if you did, I might be more receptive to it than you think."

I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Well, we shall see."

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now