IX. Back to the ball (Persephone)

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IX. Back to the ball (Persephone)

What Hades showed me was magnificent. I had never seen anything quite like the Underworld and I wished that I could have stayed instead of going back to the ball or to my mother. For once I wanted to be brave and make my own decisions. I wanted to break away but I just didn't know how.

"Hades where have you been? We have been looking all over for you," Zeus said, ignoring my presence.


"It doesn't matter, come back to the throne at once. Its almost time to wrap up," Zeus said dragging his brother back into the throne room.

"I'm sorry," he said to me as he was dragged away.

I just nodded in amusement.

Artemis and Athena found me next and looked outraged. "Where have you been? We have been looking everywhere for you. We thought someone might have taken you."

"Not exactly. I went to see Hades realm."

"You went to the Underworld?"

"Yes and it was quite lovely. I don't know why people make up lies about it being so gloomy and desolate."

"Do you realize if Demeter finds out about this, we will get the brunt of it and possibly never see you again?" Athena questioned.

"I know but she won't unless one of you tell her."

"Yeah that's definitely not happening." Artemis said.

"Then it doesn't matter."

"How was it?" Athena asked taking my arm.

"You mean you guys never been?"

"Never had a reason to go."

"Yeah too busy hunting on earth."

I told them what it was like. How intricate everything was and even though the realm was quite dark, there was so much beauty to it. They still did not believe me, that a place reserved for the dead could be anything other than beautiful, but it didn't matter. It would not change my view of the place.

I hoped with all hopes that I could see him and the realm again.

As if reading my mind, Athena started, "I know what you're thinking and its not a good idea to piss off the Goddess of Agriculture."

"I have a plan and if you guys hear me out, it's a rather good one."

"Why do I get the feeling this will involve both of us."

"Because it does."

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now