III. Demeter's Wrath (Persephone)

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III. Demeter's Wrath (Persephone)

It wasn't long before my mother found me. "Can you believe what those wombats prophesized about you. It can't be true. You are my little flower not some heathen like Aphrodite."

"Mother she isn't a heathen and nor will I be. I think it is good that I will have more than one role."

"Do you know what a fertility Goddess is?"

"Yes and just because they named me that, doesn't mean I will have to partake in all the roles of a fertility Goddess." I told her.

"Well you won't get the chance because we are moving. I overheard Apollo and Ares discussing their vile plans to seduce you and it is not happening."

She pulled me by the arm. "We're leaving now."

"But I didn't get to even say goodbye to everyone."

"You don't even know many of them. Artemis and Athena you may get to see again but you leave now."

She dragged me down the stairs and then we vanished using her powers.

"I don't know what to do other than to go into the mortal world where they will surely not be able to find you. We will cloak ourselves as mortals and live among them as such while you finish your training as a Goddess of Spring."

"But moth---"

"No ifs ands or buts Persephone. You are far too delicate and innocent to understand why I must go through this extent, but one day you will understand."

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now