VI. The Ball Part One (Hades)

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VI. The Ball Part One (Hades)

"I can't believe you're actually going through with it, Hades," Maize said, propping herself on my desk.

I grimaced. "And I can't believe you just sat your hind on my desk."

"Oh sorry, I forgot you only want me in this position when you feel like it."

"What do you want Maize? Shouldn't you be attending to the paperwork you're assigned daily."

"Yes, but I just wanted to know why are you doing this? You know no maiden or Goddess will be able to tolerate being down here with you for too long if at all. Only I can deal with it."

"We've been through this many times Maize, you are just my personal assistant. Nothing more and nothing less. What we had was a mistake."

"You weren't saying that a few nights ago."

"And that was also a mistake. Now can you get back to work. As you can see, I have a bunch of work of my own I need to get done."

"As you wish, sire," she said sarcastically taking a bow before leaving out of my office.

Thanatos entered just then. "Sire, are you ready?"

"Not in the slightest but seeing this solely as another duty makes it less irritating."

When I arrived, everyone was already there. A throne was set for me on the other side of the room. Maidens and Goddesses lined up to the throne waiting for a chance to converse or dance with me which was a shocker.

"Looks like you have well of enough brides to choose from brother." Zeus said coming behind me out of nowhere.

"They just want the fantasy of the ball nothing more."

"Even so, tonight is your night. Try to enjoy it."

"I'll definitely try my best with a big emphasis on try."

I took my place at the throne and the ball commenced. This was going to be "fun."

Just as I was about to speak to the first Goddess lined up, I recognized even with the mask on, Artemis and Athena because of their attire but the Goddess that was with them I did not recognize but she caught my attention out of all the other Goddesses lined up. I knew I had to speak to her and hoped that it was the same Goddess I spoke to before...Persephone. 

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now