VIII. The Underworld (Hades)

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VIII. The Underworld (Hades)

I couldn't believe she wanted to see the Underworld. No one had ever asked to see it or willingly wanted to come down to the Underworld. I helped her on my chariot and we quickly rode down to the Underworld.

When we arrived to the entrance, she looked amazed. I didn't know if it was a good amazed or a bad one.

"Wow, this place is so gorgeous."

"Really you think so?"

"Yes, there is so much I could do with this," she said pointing to the garden in front of the palace which was desolate and barren.

"Let's go into the palace."

Cerberus greeted me as I petted him. I was shocked to see Persephone do the same. Usually people were frightened to go up to the dog and they usually had a reason to be because he never let them get close enough to pet. Maize tried it and nearly got her head bitten off.

"I think he likes you," I smirked.

"I would hope so, he's such a cute dog, yes you are."

I showed her around the palace. The throne room, the judgment room where I judged the souls, the five rivers, Styx, Acheron, Cocytus, Phlegethon, and Lethe, explaining what each one does. I explained to her that the Underworld is divided into at least four regions: Tartarus, reserved for the worst transgressors, the Elysian Fields, where only the most excellent of men dwelled, the Fields of Mourning, for those who were hurt by love, and the Asphodel Meadows, for the souls of the majority of ordinary people.

"Wow, I am truly in awe of this place," she said finally when I was done explaining. "I wish my mother would let me come visit but I know she would never let me."

"I wish she would too. It would be nice to have such lovely company."

"Maybe if there was a way I could sneak down. Is there an entrance from the mortal world?"

"There's many but I would have to know exactly where you reside in order to tell you how to get there. I've heard your mother has you hidden well."

"I believe we live near Alcyonian Lake at Lerna."

"Perfect. I will come to you when the time is right and your mother is out of sight but you must remove your cloak of mortality so that I am to see it is you."

"That would be great. Thank you so much Hades!" She hugged me again making me feel all kinds of emotions I never felt swell in my stomach. I tried my hardest to not let her see how much it affected me.

"It is no problem at all."

"Now are you ready to return to the ball?" I asked her.

"Not really but if we must..."

I didn't really want to return either. In fact, if she wanted, I would have gladly kept her here but I knew that would not go over well with her mother who would probably do something to the crops which would in turn effect the mortals and make my job more of a living hell. 

Midnight Sun: Persephone and Hades (A Somewhat Dialogue Story)Where stories live. Discover now