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it was morning. to be more specific it was monday. you had potions for you first class, which meant you had a class with tom.

you were wearing your black blue uniform. myrtle was already waiting for you outside the room.

"morning sleepyhead." she said happy.

"morning." you yawn.

"i heard you came late last night. where were you?" she asks as we walk away from the revenclew house dorm.

"oh, library."

"whit who?" she teased.

"what do you mean who?" your eyes widen.

"oh come on. you were probably with the riddle boy." she jested.

"what? how did you know?"

"he loves reading, especially in the library past the bedtime."

"i didn't know that." you said as myrtle opened the door for you.

"sure you didn't." she said. "but you saw him right?"

"saw who?" tom said coming in the classroom.

"oh the star came to a par-" myrtle tried to say as you put your hands on her mouth.

"she meant that i saw professor on my way back to dorm." you said calmly but screaming inside.

he raised his eyebrows looking at myrtle then you.

"pathetic." he said and got to his sit.

you sigh and look at myrtle dead in the eyes. she gave you an uncomfortable smile as she slowly got to her sit.

you roll your eyes and smile at the action that happened. you got to your sit as the class began.

"good morning class." professor slughorn said kindly.

"good morning." the class said.

"turn your book on the page 367 and then let's begin." he said sitting back in his chair.

"wound-cleaning potion, do anyone know what is it?" he said and tom raised his hand. you did as well.

"miss y/l/n?" he said giving you permission to speak.

"it's a healing potion that is used to sterilise wounds as a powerful antiseptic."

"very good. 10 points to revenclew." he said as you smile.

"now you have everything written in your book. you are making this potion in pairs. good luck!" he said as you look at tom. he was already looking at you.

"i will do everything and you just sit here." he growled.

"no. i want to make it as well." you scowled.

"i don't care." he said standing up to get the ingredients.

"why are you like this to me?" you said following him.

"because you are irritating me." he said stopping and looking at you. "besides i'm the best at potions."

"sure you are." you giggled.

"you have been here for a week and you know i am."

"hm. do i?" you said getting the ingredients too.

he ignored me for the rest of the time. we made potion, to be more specific he made it. you were just there pretending that you did something.

"excellent as always mr riddle!" professor said not giving two fuck's about you.

"thank you sir." you joked.

"well i saw you did nothing miss y/n. care to explain?" he asked you as you look at tom and back to professor.

"well he didn't let me." you said pointing at tom.

"she would mess it up." tom smirked.

"if that's so then you should probably give her tutoring?" professor said as his smirk faded.

"sure thing sir." he said taking his stuff pulling you with him.

as you two walked away from the classroom he suddenly stops. his eyes view was on you again. he looked at you for a minute as you started getting uncomfortable.

"so?" you said awkwardly.

"tomorrow we will have this silly tutoring. 10PM." he says walking away.

"wait!" you yelled and he turned to see you.

"why not today?" you asked.

"i'm busy."

"with what?"

"it doesn't concern you y/l/n." he said annoyed walking away.

baby steps is the only way.

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