amortentia ( tom's pov )

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i was walking to the potion classroom. when i opened the door strong smell of
y/n was hitting my nose. strange.

she wasn't even in this class yet. the room started filling with other students. everyone talked about how the room smells different.

i looked around the class and finally saw it. amortentia.

"hey guys stop showing your love to each other." i yelled and pointed to potion.

"hey riddle!" y/n shouted. "did you use too much cologne today?"

i smirked and everyone around started laughing. she was so obvious.

i watched her walking to her sit, which was next to me. the class started a minute after she came here. professor slughorn came with a book that said 'amortentia'. right.

"good day class. today we are learning about the new potion. amortentia." professor slughorn said. "does anyone know what it is?"

i raised my hand. of course i know the answer. i know every potion that was ever made in history, after all i really love potions.

"well if no one knows besides riddle." professor slughorn said giving me a sign to start explaining.

"it is the most powerful love potion in the world. it smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." i looked at her as i said that.

"for the example i smell." i took one last sniff. "snow, books and honey."

"very well. now to the next student." professor said looking at myrtle. "come on miss warren."

"i smell vanilla pudding, grass and sunflower." she smiled as she sat down.

"very good. miss y/l/n." he smiled as my concentration was all on her.

"uh um." she shuttered. " i smell. vanilla, book pages and smokey-musk."

oh nice. i didn't know i smelled that fine.

"very good. now suzie livingston." he said.

my mind slowly drifted away from the classroom. could i be falling in love?

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