Missing piece

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I made my way to the office to use the phone and called Sarah "Hey kie how are you I miss you so much it it so boring without you here Its killing me"she said fast making me laugh. "Well no need to worry I'll see you tonight" i said.

"What?!? Your coming home for how long oh my gosh!"

" My parents are picking my up around 5 so I'll get home around 8 and I'll try to see you by 9 .. and I'll be home for the summer"

"Oh thank god this is the best news ever meet me at John b's at 9:15!"

"Will do I gotta pack but I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay see you later!"

Time couldn't move slower. It was currently 4:35 and I was sitting around the table with my "friends" they were talking about something but all of my attention was on the clock. "What do you think Kiara?" "Huh?" I said and they laughed.

"I said who do you think is the hottest guy in our grade" Becca said and the other two starred at me. Hottest guy? I can't even think of any guys that go here. The only person on my mind is JJ. "Actually I don't really find any of the guys here hot at all" i said honestly while they looked at me confused.

"Wow if you don't think the guys here are hot  Id like to see what the guys look like where you're from" they laughed and i just smiled. They had no idea. His blonde hair and sun kissed skin. They way his blue eyes looked in the sun. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my name called ."Sorry what'd you say"  they laughed and rolled there eyes. "Do you have a special someone back home?" Lila asked nudging me. "Is that who has you all distracted" Jen added.

"Haha no way I don't do relationships" i said trying to act nonchalant. I mean it wasnt a total lie. I didn't have anyone. Not anymore. I signed.

"Hmm I'm not too sure I believe you" Becca said "come on you can tell us"

"I mean there was this one guy we dated for a bit but it had to end" i said trying to show I was sad.

"Why'd it have to end?"

"Um well" i was trying to remember but I didn't want to think about it. Especially when I spent the last 2 months trying to forget. "It just did"

"Oh damn was the sex that bad?" Jen said and they all laughed but I knew they were serious.

"Um no not at all actually-" "What'd he look like" they interrupted.

"We'll he's blonde and has blue eyes-" "omg she's in love"Jen said.

"I mean I was but-"

"Don't worry next fall we'll find you someone even better!"

Impossible I thought to myself.

"Ms. Carrera your parents are here" I hear and start grinning. Finally.

"Ugh nooo " Lila said "We're gonna miss you so much!"

"I'm gonna miss you guys too" I lied don't get me wrong I like their company but they're not my people. My people are in obx. I said goodbye to Becca Lila and Jen and made my way to the car with my stuff. My mom hugged me immediately and I hugged back. As much as I hate to admit it I did miss her.

We loaded up my stuff and headed home. My mom turned around about half way through the trip and smiled at me.

"Here ya go" said said handing me a box. I opened it and inside was a phone.

"Oh my gosh finally!" I tape the screen and my old Lock Screen appeared.

"Everything should be on there the only thing that didn't transfer was the contacts" she said and I nodded. It was a bummer I couldn't immediately text my friends but I'll be with them soon enough.

I plugged in the head phones and started listening to music as I shut my eyes hoping to reach home soon.

The next thing I knew someone was tapping my shoulder I opened my eyes and it was my dead telling me we arrived. I took my stuff up to my room and laid there for a bit. Okay that's enough relaxing time to see my friends. I got up and ran to my keys .

"Alright I'll see you guys later love you! "

"You're leaving already??" My dad said

"I haven't seen any of my friends let alone talk to them in 2 months" they just looked at each other and nodded

"We'll then be safe love you" i smiled and left .

I made my way to John b's much faster than normal. I just couldn't wait. When I pulled in I was kind of disappointed all the lights were off. Did they forget? I made my way to the door and slowly in the house "hello?" I said quietly

"SURPRISE" they yelled and the lights turned on.on the coffee table was pizza, beer, and popcorn.

Sarah ran to me and hugged me

"Thank god you're here" she said making me smile

John B. hugged me next and then pope. I looked around and no sign of the person I missed the most.

"Where's JJ?" I asked

My heart sank even more when there was no answer. They just looked at each other . Am I missing something?

Falling back - Sequel to Facing Reality Where stories live. Discover now