Second Dates

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We sat there eating pizza in silence until John B broke it.

"Hey J wanna go surfing tomorrow"

"Yeah sure" he responded

"Oh wait I'll have to see I think Blake wanted to hang out" he added. Oh hell no.

"Ah yes ur little girlfriend" John B teased.

"Again not my girlfriend" JJ added.

"Why not" i said bluntly

"What?" He asked

"Why isn't she your girlfriend" i said

"I just don't do relationships" I didn't respond I just rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you guys come with I'm thinking around lunch time?" He knew exactly what he was doing

"Oh we can't me and Kiara are going out to lunch" Pope chimed in.

"Oh really wow look at you two" JJ said acting surprised.

"Yeah we can do that because we're friends" i said back

"Oh can we come then?" JJ asked but he already knew the answer he was just trying to annoy me.

"Sorry it just an us thing but maybe next time" Pope responded

"Oh I see hm" JJ said with a nod. "Alright I'll see you later night guys" he said looking at everyone except for me.

Okay I get his point but to be fair I thought Pope and I going out to lunch was actually about catching up and being FRIENDS. But now it seems like he thinks we're more again. Did JJ really have to play the Blake card I mean I messed up but now he's being petty I don't even want to apologize. I said my goodbyes to everyone except JJ of course and my my way home. I need space and time to think. I fell asleep that night dreading the next day. I didn't want to go to lunch with Pope and I did not want to hear about JJ going surfing with Blake.

I woke up around 11 tans had multiple texts from Pope asking if we could meet at 12:30.I had to hurry so I took a quick shower and put my hair into a ponytail. I was trying to look super nice because I feel like he would take that as a sign that I was trying to impress him so I put on a cropped tee and some ripped jeans. When I got to the restaurant he was already there and had a table.


"Hey how are you" he asked

"I'm fine"

"Oh good so I was wondering if we could talk"

"We'll yeah I wouldn't want to sit in here in silence the whole time" I responded and looked at the menu.

"We'll I meant like about us-" he started but I really didn't want to have this conversation right now so I interrupted him.

"Ooo they have a spinach tomato and ranch pizza! Waiter we're ready to order" i said nicely and she took our order.

"You know the food at boarding school was not very good at all! So happy to be back theres such good food here don't you think?" I Asked

"I mean yeah but-"

"Boarding school was crazy weird I did meet some friends tho you would really like them!" I lied, I just needed to make conversation that wasn't about our so called "relationship".

"Oh really?" He said

"Yeah you would love Becca she's smart just like you" i said and he nodded and said "oh nice"

"Well anyways I missed you a lot while you were gone.." he tried to reach for my hand but i picked up my drink instead

"I missed you too Pope. And I really missed all of you and surfing with you guys"

"Really you missed me?"

"Yeah I think I missed surfing the most of all .. the waves here are just unbeatable! Don't you agree?"

"Yeah they're pretty nice .. so-"

Just as he was about to start talking our food arrived

"Thank you so much" i said to the waiter "This looks so good" i said and immediately started eating. We didn't talk much after that we just ate our food thank God.

"This was really nice Pope I'm so glad we got to catch up" I said and stood up.

"Oh yeah me too um we should do this again I had a good time"

"Ya me too and yeah sure I'll see you later okay I gotta go help my mom" I rushed out to my car and left. Finally go that over with.

JJs Pov

"JJ wake up it's almost 2 o'clock" I heard John b says.

"Fine fine I'm up" I said making my way off my bed and to the pull out couch

"I guess that's progress" he sighed And we both heard the door open

"Hey guys" Pope said walking in

"Oh hey I thought you were hanging out with Kie" John B asked him. Great why'd he have to remind me.But why is he here? Did she cancel on him please tell me she didn't go.

"Oh yeah we already did".Oh no.

"But she kinda rushed out" he added. Haha yes.

"But she did say she had and good time and that we should do it again! So I guess you could say we're going on a second date"

Oh no.

Falling back - Sequel to Facing Reality Where stories live. Discover now