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JJ kissed me once more before we parted. I looked up and Pope, Sarah, and John B. were all standing there in silence.

"Actually you are" JJ said in a sassed tone.

"No no you're fine" I said

"Y'all up for a night surf?" John b suggested

"Yes" I said a little too fast "sorry it just feels like it's been forever since we've hit the waves .. all together" I said looking at Pope and then to the ground.

"Yeah I'm down.." Pope said

"Cool let's all change then we can go" John B said and everyone headed into the chateau. As I stood up I felt JJ pull my arm.


"Don't you think it's weird .." he said

"What's weird?"

"I don't know .. that they're being nice all of a sudden?"he said. He was right. It was such a sudden mood change.

" You're right .. you think they're acting?"

"No idea .. just don't get your hopes up"

"Let's get to the beach first, then ask questions because either way I'm surfing" I said and he laugh and we made our way into the château.

As soon as we walked in the talked stopped. It was dead silent. Well this is kind of awkward.

"I'm gonna go put my swim suit on.." I said walking around everyone escaping the awkward room.And I heard JJ follow right behind.

"Okay that was weird" I said as soon as he shut the door.

"Really weird.."

"Are they trying to trick us or something this isn't cool" I said mad about to open the door.

"Woah calm down tiger" JJ said blocking me "beach first, questions second remember" he said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes

" okay fine" I said and changed. Then we all made our way to the beach.

The waves were amazing to say the least. We surfed for a while but now I was just sitting in the water, on my board, watching the world.

My peaceful silence was interrupted when I heard someone paddling up behind me. I was hoping it was JJ but I turned and was met with Pope.

"Hey.." was all he said

"Hey.." I don't even know why I'm talking to him when all he's done lately is treat me like shit.

"Kie I'm sorry.. for everything"

"Its fine Pope" not it's not "I just want things to go back to how they were, back to normal"

"No you don't" he said

"What?" I said confused

"You don't want thing to go back to "normal" .. normal isn't you dating JJ" he said and I instantly rolled my eyes.

"I'm not trying to be rude I'm just saying .. normal was the 3 of us having a thing a stupid pointless crush on u .. then just me and JJ and nothing but his useless flirting and me trying to impress you and you constantly laughing in his face and rolling your eyes at me and us laughing at ourselves most of the time because no pogue on pogue macking of course.. nothing was a secret there were no relationships that was normal.. but now things are different.. John B has Sarah.. somehow JJ has you" he said wih a laugh and I smiled for a second " And me well I'll figure something out because I definitely can't have a thing for you now" he said and made it kinda awkward "I'm just saying your guys are in a relationship now ..you want to be with JJ you don't want it to be like it was.. things are different.. this is the new normal"he said. I sat there taking in what he said. I guess he was right nothing will ever be the same and I need to get used to it.

"You're right .. I guess I never thought of it like that" I said honestly.

"So .. is what Sarah said true .. are you guys actually 'in love'" he questioned.

"Yeah we are .. but wait Sarah told you that? I never even told her" I said confused.

"Well she told us when we were watching you guys dance .. I think she kinda just knew" he said and this brought a smile to my face.

"Well I'm gonna head to shore" he said turning around.

"One more thing kie.."


"Why him? Why not me?" He questioned quietly.

"Um well when you kissed me the first time I never really understood what I felt .. just a lot guilt and confusion and I didn't know what it meant and I didn't know how I felt about you .. but now  I realize it was because deep down I knew I was leading you on.. I just didn't like you the way you liked me" I said truthfully

"But with him, the first time he kissed me.. I just knew I never wanted it to end and I just got this wave of relief that he liked me too. It was the second he kissed me I knew I wanted to be with him." I said this was probably hurting his feelings but he asked and I want to be honest.

"Well I'm happy you're happy Kie" he said

"Thank you Pope" and with that he was gone but within minutes I was met by a certain blonde boy.

"Hey what was that all about?" He asked motioning back towards Pope.

"Oh nothing really"

"Okay you sure?" He asked

"I'm sure" I said and smiled at him.

"Okay if you say so" he laughed and I just stared at him. We were both sitting on our board just watching the waves. This is all I'll ever need. Just me, him, and the waves.

Falling back - Sequel to Facing Reality Where stories live. Discover now