Night Out

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Kiaras Pov

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Kiaras Pov

"Hey Hey" I heard JJ whisper. I opened my eye and smiled.


"Your parents are gone I'm gonna head out. Im gonna stop and get donuts then go to the château. Meet me there?" He asked

"Yeah yeah" I said laying my head back down and closing my eye.Just as I thought he left I felt a kiss on my forehead. It's the little things like that that give me butterflies.

JJs Pov

"Yo everyone wake up I got donuts!"I yelled walking into the chateau.

"Oh you're all up great! I brought treatsss"I said to Pope Sarah and John B who were in the living room.
To my disappointment Kie wasn't here yet.

"When did you even leave dude?" John B said confused.

"Uh before you woke up obviously" i said avoiding the question.

"Hey guys" I heard behind me and it was Kie walking in. She looked so pretty, as always.

"Alright guys what's the next move" John B said and to my surprise Sarah rolled her eye.

"What?" John B said

"Ooo trouble in paradise" I joked

"It's just we were finally staring to live normal fun lives again instead of running from crazy people.."

"Well I'm sorry but this guy is dangerous" he responded

"Well I think we should have at least one night of fun" Kie suggested

"Yes!! Please let's just all hang out together just for one more night? We could go out to dinner?" Sarah said to him and then he looked at me. I shrugged to say It wasn't a bad idea.

"Okay fine"

"Yesss" Sarah and Kie said.

"Ooo are those donuts I'm starving" Kie said walking around everyone.

"Yeah JJ brought them- I probably shouldn't of said that because now you might not eat them" John B said and she stared at him and then gave me a dirty look, but I could tell it was playful.

"In that case I'll take two" she said walking away

"Uh you're welcome!" I said

"Yeah yeah" she said with her back turned towards me.

"Hey where you going you just got here?" Pope asked

"Um if we're going out I need to go get ready there's no way I'm wearing this" she said and continued to her car.

"She's right" Sarah said turning towards us "were gonna have to find you guys something to wear" she added making all three of us roll our eyes.

Kiaras Pov

I spent the rest of my time finding an outfit, doing my hair and makeup. I may or may not be trying to impress a certain someone. Then I got text from Sarah saying they were here and went out to the Twinkie.

"Hey sweetie you look nice where you going?" Mom asked.

"Oh we're going out to dinner John B. , Sarah and everyone"

"Oh ok.. and Luke's kid?" She said and it aggravated me.

"He has a name mom, it's JJ you know that.. stop judging him because of who his father is, I guarantee you they're nothing a like" I said and walked out the door.

I opened the door annoyed. I saw JJ and he looked.. hot.

"Hey" i said to him

"Hey" he said back.

"Uh hey" Pope said

"Oh hi Pope" I said and got in the car.

"I'm so glad we're doing this!" Sarah said "y'all better not fight!" She added pointing to me and JJ

"Yeah yeah" JJ said

We got to the restaurant and got our table. I purposefully sat next to JJ. But tried to look annoyed so they didn't think anything was up.

"Ugh can you scoot over!" I said annoyed

"Woah calm down you're the one who sat next to me!" He said

"Because there were no other seats!" Yes there were. We both knew that.

"Ok ok calm down you want to switch seats?" Pope asked

"No" me and JJ said in unison

"Uh okay"he said

"So i say we put all of our cards in a pile and randomly select one, whoever's it is has to pay" JJ suggested

"JJ do you even have a card?" John B asked

"No that's the point" he said making me giggle

"So kie are you excited to go to midsummer's?"

" Not really .. I don't feel like talking to a bunch of snobby people I don't like and .. my mom wants me to bring a date" I said

"Ooh we should find you someone!" Sarah said and I instantly felt JJ stiffen.

"I'm not sure.. I just really don't want to go .. are you going?" I asked

"I'm honestly not even sure if I'm still invited" she said

"I gotta use the restroom" JJ said getting up. I think he's upset . I waited a minute to get up and follow him.

"I gotta pee I'll be right back" I said. Just as I presumed JJ was over there waiting for me.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked him

"I mean it's nothing it's stupid but .. are you really going to find a date for midsummers? I know we're not really together I just thought .. I don't know what I thought honestly" he trailed

"JJ if you don't want me to be with or go with anyone else .. just tell me and it's done.."

"Oh okay .. we'll I don't .. want you with anyone else .. just Me" he said "but it's not like I can be your date for midsummer's" he added. Then I started thinking.

"Well .. maybe you can" I said

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