Lets Get Crazy

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Kiaras Pov

My mom hugged me for awhile and then left me so I could take a nap. That was about 7 hours ago. Did I really sleep that long? Somehow it didn't feel long enough. I wanted to stay in this bed forever. But I can't. I hope my mom is right I hope this pain heals.

When I checked my phone I had a bunch of missed calls and texts from Sarah, the text asking where I was. Shit.I need to cal her back.

"Hello?!" I heard her say

"Hey"i said

"Hey where are you I've been calling and texted you the party is about to start I needed your help!" Shit I totally forgot about the party and the bonfire.

"Ok ok sorry there was just a lot going on I'm on my way!"

I got dressed and made my way back over to John B's. I hope JJ isn't there still.Who am i kidding he's definitely there. I just need to remember to stay calm and stay far far away from him.

" Hey I'm here" I said to Sarah who was standing outside trying to light the fire.

" Finally can you get this lighter to work? Actually can you go ask JJ for his I think he's in the kitchen"

"Uh can't you just go ask him yourself"

" What? Kie just go ask him"

"No I'm sorry but no"


"We aren't exactly on speaking terms"

"What is going on with you- oh my god did you guys sleep together again?!?" She said and I sighed

"It's nothing"

"Kie I told you something bad woul-"

"I said it's nothing"

" Okay whatever" She said mad and walked away.

She can get as mad as she wants there is no way in hell I'm talking to him.

"Hey Kie what's up" John B said walking outside

"Nothing really"

"Don't worry you won't be bored soon, this party is about to be crazyy"

"I'm sure it will be" I half laughed. Oh if only I knew then what was about to happen.

2 hours later

I stayed by the fire most of the time trying to avoid .. certain people. Luckily for me I haven't seen him once.

"Hey Kie there you are!" Pope said walking towards me

"Oh hey"

"I just wanted to say thank you .. for not telling anyone what happened the other night.." he said

"Oh of course no problem"

"And I hope that you and your ex work something out .. you deserve to be happy"

"Oh yeah I don't see that happening..but thanks though"

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's ok.."

"So have you been over here the whole time?" He questioned.

"Yeah just enjoying the fire.." and literally as soon as I said that the fire started to die.

"Don't worry we can fix it" he said "JJ bring ur lighter over here the fires going down!"

"What Pope it's fine!"

"Oh no biggy" he said and I rolled my eyes

"Someone say they need a light- oh it's you" he said and his smile immediately dropped

"And it's you" i said annoyed

"Um yeah the fire is going out" Pope chimed in

" ok" JJ said and went over to the fire pit so I started walking in the other direction.

"Wait Kie where are you going"

"Any where he's not" I said honestly

"Wait did I miss something"

"Yeah Kie's selfish so we're not friends anymore" Oh really he wants to play this game.

"I'm selfish?!? At least I'm not a coward who runs away from his problems by drinking!"

"At least I'm not the one going around causing problems!" He yelled back

"What does that even mean you're the one who started it!"

"Hey what going on?" Sarah said as her and John B walked towards us.

"Um apparently Kiara and JJ aren't friends anymore? I'm super confused" Pope told them.

"What ever I'm leaving" i said

"What?! Kie you can't leave I've barely seen you" Sarah said.

"I'm sorry I cannot not be around him"

"Wait wait guys I'm sure we can work this out!" John B chimed in Looking back and fourth between me and JJ.

"No way"he said and i scoffed

"Yeah absolutely not he is the biggest asshole I know"

"Oh I'm the asshole?!? Look at yourself"

"Guys calm down!" Pope said

"I can't, I can't look at him or be around him I don't think I can even stay here the rest of the summer" i said honestly.

"What you're just gonna leave?!" Sarah said

"Go ahead it'll make my life a lot easier" JJ said

"Oh I'm sure you'd like that wouldn't you"

"Yeah I would actually-"

"Fuck you dude"

"No fuck-" he started but Sarah interrupted us.

"That's enough! I'm not gonna let you two tear this friend group apart just because you had sex!"

Oh. Shit.

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