Island Reminiscing

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"Oh he got a new board" i said

"Probably from his "new friend" Blake" I heard Pope mumble shortly followed by Sarah kicking him and telling him to shush.

"Blake?" I questioned looking at Sarah but she wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Yeah she just some girl thats been obsessed with him and I guess he decided to stop ignoring her"

"Oh so are they like dating?"i said trying to act cool.

"JJ dating someone? Ha I doubt it probably just hooking up and then he'll be on to the next you know how he is" John B laughed. His words hurt, mostly because they were true.

He was right thats just how JJ was he didn't date anyone. Until me. But like John B said "on to the next".

"So you don't think it's serious?"i asked

"JJ? In a serious relationship yeah right" he replied. Was it really that unbelievable for JJ to be in relationship?

I sat there staring at the fire for a good 10 minutes

"Hey guys I think I'm gonna head to bed" i finally said

"What why it's not even late" Sarah said

"I've had a long day I'm sorry guys but if it's okay with y'all I'll crash here"

"Of course" john b said and I smiled then made my way inside

I unfolded the pull out couch and turned the fan on and tried to sleep.

But I couldn't sleep all I could think about was JJ at the beach with that girl. Who the hell was he to blow off all our friends and go hang out with some random girl instead. I've never once heard of this girl he probably barely knows her and now he's ditching our group for her? He ditching me for her? Maybe they were wrong maybe he was in a relationship.My blood started to boil.

In the 2 months I was gone did he go get a girlfriend? That was so fast did he even love me. He probably tells her all the things he told me. I was probably nothing to him. Now I couldn't get the thought of him kissing someone else out of my head. I hate that I do this to myself. I started to feel the tears run down my cheeks. I sat up quickly grabbed my keys and head out the door to my car.

"Hey hey where you going?" John B asked they all looked at me with concern they must've been able to see my tears.

"I'm sorry I have to go home I just can't be here - I can't do this tonight" i said continuing to my car without waiting for an answer.

I drove home crying the whole way. I wish everything could go back to how it was on the island. The only thing I had to worry about was me and JJ getting caught and honestly that was part of the fun.i miss walking down the beach hand in hand watching the sunset. Him teaching me how to fish. I remember the first day he tried to teach me how to fish I didn't want to go into the water because there was so much seaweed. But he took my hand and led me in slowly and even after I was in the water he didn't let go.


I followed him into the water and felt the cold sea weed on my feet. 'Ew JJ its so bad out here'. It wasn't like obx which wasn't the cleanest but this , this was awful.'Come on Kie it aint that bad' he reached his hand out for me to take.I took his hand and we slowly walked further into the water.'See it ain't that bad' he smiled and I smiled back. 'yeah aint that bad' i said. I wasn't just talking about the water. I was talking about the way his hand held mine and the way he was looking at me. I felt my self blushing again but this time i didn't feel the the need to hide it. I don't think he minded me blushing because he was too, maybe because he was still holding my hand.

End of flash back

I miss our late night talks and waking up beside him even if it meant sneaking out before anyone could see. I was so in love with him. But that was then and this is now. Things are different. I guess I just didn't think he would move on that fast.

I got home and immediately ran up to room shoved my face in a pillow and let it all out. Eventually crying myself to sleep.

"Kiara kiara" I heard my moms voice say and I opened my eyes slowly "sweetie it's almost noon you should wake up you don't wanna sleep your day away"

Damn its noon already? I went to reach for my phone but nothing where is it? Damn it. I left it at John B's on the pullout. I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs.

"Leaving already you don't want any breakfast?" She questioned.

"I'm good I gotta go" i said walking out the door to my car. Today wasn't any better than last night. It just feels more really today.

I finally arrived at John B's and made my way towards the front door. I walked in quickly only to bump into someone who was about to walk out.

I look up and I'm met with the blue eyes I've missed so much. JJ was here, and he was standing right in front of me.

Falling back - Sequel to Facing Reality Where stories live. Discover now