4 - I took too much, don't let me drive nowhere

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Sunoo pouted while he kept turning around and looking for the familiar dark-blue-haired male. 

It was break time and since yesterday, Sunoo's confidence had increased and here he was waiting for Heeseung to show up just as he had promised. But it had been ten minutes and still no sight of Heeseung. 

The pink-haired male huffed and he could hear snickers coming from the boys at the table near him, only ruining his mood even more. He turned and glared at them, but they only cooed at him in response and made comments about how Heeseung wasn't going to show up anytime soon and how he should sit with them instead. 

They disgusted Sunoo. 

Exhaling loudly he gathered his stuff and got up, deciding to go looking for Heeseung. Maybe the older had forgotten Sunoo was going to join him today?  It had only been a day since he spoke to him, but Sunoo couldn't help but deflate a little at the idea that Heeseung may have forgotten.

As he made his way to the door Sunoo spotted Jungwon and Niki sitting together at their usual table, giggling and laughing between themselves. The pink-haired male felt a tinge of jealousy seeing how easily they could speak and laugh with each other, while Heeseung barely gave him a reaction. 

But then again, Sunoo couldn't stop himself from wanting to spend more time with the older. Everything about Heeseung intrigued Sunoo and he wanted to know more about him; he wanted to know more of him.

Sunoo made his way through the school hallways, nodding with a smile to those that said 'hi' to him as he walked through, but he was quite rushed in his steps. There were only twenty minutes of their break time left and Sunoo wanted to spend every remaining minute with Heeseung. 

He huffed and tried to think of all the possible places Heeseung would be in, and it clicked to him. There was one place where Heeseung was sure to be, so Sunoo wasted no time and sped off to the stairs. He practically ran up them and opened the doors, showing the large area on the rooftop of their school building. 

And there he was. 

Heeseung stood against the railing, just as he had been the day before. Sunoo smiled brightly upon seeing the older, but he slightly grimaced at the sight of a cigarette lodged between Heeseung's lips once again.

"Heeseung hyung." Sunoo greeted cheerfully, completely forgetting his passive-aggressive anger that he had towards the older for forgetting to sit with him. 

He waddled over to Heeseung and leaned against the railing as well, on his side so he could face Heeseung. But the older kept his gaze forward, barely even moving or bothering to acknowledge Sunoo's presence.

Sunoo frowned slightly at the standoff-ish behaviour. "Hyung?" He asked the taller. He reached his hand out to touch Heeseung's shoulder, watching the older flinch slightly and look away. 

"Don't." Came Heeseung's gravelly voice, but Sunoo just frowned even more because it seemed as if the older was trying to hide from him. 

Heeseung's hood had fallen over his eyes, hiding half of his face in the shadow of the fabric, so Sunoo could only see the end of the cigarette. The pink-haired male frowned and touched Heeseung's shoulder again, trying to get the male to look at him. 

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Sunoo asked gently. He heard a scoff come from Heeseung and the older took his cigarette away from his lips to blow out a puff of smoke. When Heeseung finally turned his head to face him, Sunoo's eyes widened in shock. 

"Hyung..." Sunoo's voice wavered slightly as he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. 

There were bruises all over Heeseung's face. 

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