16 - He's on my mind when I'm on yours

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The bell rang again loudly and Sunoo happily jumped out of his seat, rushing out of the classroom to his next class. Even though he knew it wouldn't, in his mind, he still felt like if he rushed to his next class, it would mean the class would end sooner and that meant less time he had to wait to see Heeseung again. 

It was a new class for the pink-haired male since one of the teachers left the school, so the two classes were now merged together as one. Sunoo was somewhat excited about the change since he didn't have any friends in this particular class, but since now tons of more students would be joining and he could possibly find a friend to hang out with. 

As he reached the classroom, he noticed how full the room already was since everyone seemed to have found their seats already. While scanning his eyes around for a spare seat, he noticed a lot of familiar faces that he had passed by in the hallways.

One of these familiar faces was the foreign exchange student that Sunoo bumped into. He vividly remembered the male, even though he hadn't spoken to him ever since he almost passed out that day.

What was his name again? Sunoo wondered, and he immediately remembered how the blonde-haired male had announced his name with a clear American accent. 

Jay. Sunoo nodded to himself, glad he was good at remembering names. He slowly made his way to where the blonde-haired male was standing, seemingly still looking for a seat, and a friendly smile rose to Sunoo's lips.

"Jay?" The pink-haired boy asked as he reached out and tapped Jay on the shoulder. 

The blonde-haired male turned around quickly and his eyes landed on Sunoo with a confused expression. Sunoo smiled awkwardly, not knowing how the male was going to react, but suddenly Jay's eyes widened and his expression was replaced with one full of remorse. 

He quickly reached forward and clasped Sunoo's hand in between his own two hands and he suddenly bowed his head down 90 degrees. Sunoo's mouth parted slightly as he was stunned and completely frozen in shock, not understanding what was happening. 

"I'M SO SORRY FOR HURTING YOU SUNOO! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT AND I NEVER INTENDED TO HURT YOU!" Jay suddenly yelled in his raspy voice and everyone in the classroom immediately stopped moving and talking with one another to stare in awe at them. 

A bright red blush of embarrassment appeared on Sunoo's cheeks and his brain had gone completely blank. He had no idea how to react, and the shocked exclaims from the students around him were not helping at all. 

"What the hell is happening?"

"Is the new kid confessing to Kim? Damn, he's got some balls."

"Yeah, wasn't Sunoo dating that Heeseung dude?"


"The murderer."

"Oh right. Heeseung's gonna kill the new student for confessing to his boyfriend." 

The front door swung open again and an adult figure walked into the room, making everyone quickly get their things out of their bags. "What is happening here?" The teacher asked as he placed his things down on the desk, not really paying much mind to the crouched new kid in front of the school's sweetheart. 

That seemed to finally snap Sunoo out of his shocked trans-like state and he quickly bent down and took a hold of Jay's shoulders in his hands. 

"Jay-ssi, please can you get up so we can talk properly?" The pink-haired boy asked and he was sure his face was bright red now from how embarrassed he was. 

"I am not worthy of your forgiveness. Please, do not even look at someone like me." Jay kept rambling on, holding Sunoo's hand in his own and pushing the pink-haired boy away from him dramatically. Sunoo huffed in annoyance and he tried pulling on Jay's sweater. 

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