7 - Tell you I'm yours for life

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Sunoo couldn't control how excited he was, a shy smile on his face as he was waiting outside his classroom for Heeseung to show up. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the tall dark-blue-haired male walking toward him and instantly he lit up with a bright smile on his lips as he greeted the older. 

"Hi, hyung!" He cheerfully said and Heeseung smiled back softly, staring at Sunoo fondly. It was funny how effortlessly Sunoo made Heeseung's mood so much better with just a smile.  

"Ready to go?" He asked. The pink-haired boy nodded excitedly and they both made their way out of the school and headed towards Heeseung's place, which Sunoo still had no idea of. 

The two boys walked down the footpath that was in the direction opposite Sunoo's place. The younger tried his hardest to remember the way in case he needed to find the way to Heeseung's house in the future.

He was still a little wary about blindly following the older so he had messaged his mother that he would be heading over to Heeseung's house. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't scared Heeseung was going to murder him or anything, he was just a little worried he might get lost again, especially since he wasn't sure how far Heeseung's house was. 

"So, how was your day?" Heesueng suddenly asked, and Sunoo snapped his head up to the older male to see if he had actually spoken to him and if he wasn't hallucinating. 

"You mean after when we agreed that we're friends?" Sunoo asked playfully and he giggled when Heeseung blushed in embarrassment at the memory.

"Well, after that it was alright. I was mostly excited about going with you to your place. History sucks ass, though," Sunoo rambled on, making the older male chuckle. 

He continued to explain to Heeseung how studying the past and criticising it wasn't going to help change anything in the future and the older kept nodding and agreeing with him. Heeseung also added in his own comments, still feeling a bit nervous to speak around Sunoo, but seeing how carefree and open-minded Sunoo was with his thoughts made him feel a bit more confident. 

They kept talking, learning more about each other (specifically how much Sunoo early classes and would honestly prefer afternoon classes any day, to which Heeseung snorted because he was the complete opposite), and Sunoo continued to talk excitedly. 

Heeseung listened to him fondly, his own mind running with thoughts as he suddenly fell silent and kept his eyes focused on something. 

When Sunoo could only hear his voice speaking, he looked up at Heeseung and noticed the older hesitating for some reason so he tilted his head at the male questioningly. He didn't know what the older was looking at but when he felt Heeseung's hands brush against his as they walked, a soft blush appeared on his face and they fell into silence again as they were both thinking of the same thing. 

He instantly remembered the day he had forced Heeseung to go to the infirmary with him and he felt butterflies in his stomach when he remembered the way Heeseung had held onto him so tightly, not wanting to let go. 

Sunoo began to hesitate nervously as he glanced down at Heeseung's hands. It was so close to his own and he wanted to touch the older so badly, but he was so nervous. Not yet. He told himself. They were still getting to know each other and Sunoo didn't want to make Heeseung feel uncomfortable around him. He looked away and forced his mind to stop thinking about touching Heeseung. 

But he was surprised when he felt another hand sliding onto his and fingers intertwining with his own. He looked up at Heeseung in shock but he was looking away from the younger with an angry blush on his face as he held onto Sunoo's hand in a gentle yet firm hold.

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