9 - Oh, should've listened to them

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Sunoo went to school the next day feeling a lot calmer than usual.

Okay, that was a lie, Sunoo was absolutely terrified. The entire night had been sleepless, only him and his scary mind running around with thoughts that scared him shitless. 

He was so scared because now Heeseung knew- he was so sure Heeseung was aware of the fact that he didn't want to eat. But what scared him the most was the fact that he was sure Heeseung was going to leave him. 

If Heeseung didn't like Sunoo before, he definitely wouldn't now. 

Sunoo wasn't scared of Heeseung going around and telling others, he wasn't scared of Heeseung making fun of him for it - he was scared that Heeseung was going to leave him. 

He couldn't let Heeseung leave him.

Truth be told, Sunoo had successfully fallen very hard for the older, his simple curiosity turning into a much bigger infatuation with the angsty dark-blue-haired boy. 

But after the teacher had already started the lesson and there was still no sign of Heeseung, Sunoo knew this was it. He had messed up beyond belief and Heeseung probably wouldn't want to be near him anymore. 

Heeseung didn't even want to hang out around him in the first place, so it only made sense he wanted to get away from Sunoo as soon as possible. The pink-haired boy ducked his head down onto his arms on his desk, feeling his eyes gloss over and a prickling feeling on his nose as he sniffled.

He wasn't going to be able to spend time with Heeseung anymore, so he needed to go back to his old table. But the problem was that he still hadn't made up with Jungwon and he needed to think of a way to make up with the younger without letting him know that he was right about Heeseung eventually leaving him.

More tears welled in Sunoo's eyes as he bit his lip, cursing himself for crying so easily, especially in school. He honestly wanted to go home and lock himself in his room, not wanting to face anyone. He couldn't help but feel even worse than before, his brain making up so many different reasons why Heeseung never wanted to hang out with him.

He wanted to close his eyes and fall asleep forever at that moment, but he was startled when he felt a hand gently ruffling his hair. He sat up immediately, eyes in a glare ready to curse at whichever one of his idiot classmates decided to bother him but when he realised who it was, his jaw fell as he froze. 

"Morning." Heeseung's smiled gently as he sat down in the seat next to Sunoo, making the pink-haired boy go rigid. 

Sunoo was completely frozen in shock, his mouth slightly open in surprise as he stared with wide eyes. Heeseung eyed the short male with a small smile before looking away to grab his stuff from his bag.

"You alright?" Heeseung asked and Sunoo was thankfully coherent enough to give the older a nod.

Heeseung placed his earphones over his head as he leaned on the desk, closing his eyes to sleep as he always did and Sunoo could not take his eyes off the older. 

Heeseung didn't hate him. That was all Sunoo could think about and he felt like crying again, but out of happiness instead of sorrow. 

Heeseung didn't say anything more than necessary and didn't act any different to Sunoo. Everything was just as it was supposed to be and Sunoo was so happy. Heeseung was there for him now and he wasn't alone anymore. Sunoo soon forgot about all the fearful thoughts that he had and instead, he felt his heart beat quicker with joy and he felt as if a weight had been lifted off of his chest.  


The bell rang once again, signifying the end of class as students began to excitedly stuff their things into their bags before escaping the classroom. Sunoo gently shook Heeseung awake and the older sat up with a groan leaving his lips as he stretched out his body, making Sunoo cough awkwardly as a blush appeared on his face. 

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