13 - Keep the drugs real close

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The only way to describe the current situation was, awkward. 

Jay pursed his lips, trying not to look at Heeseung every time he could feel the older's eyes on him, but at times he couldn't hold in the temptation and made eye contact with the terrifying male, only to immediately glance away in fear at the murderous look on the man's face. 

He still wasn't quite sure what he had done to upset older since Sunoo was the one that he had bumped into. But he chose to stay silent, assuming that Heeseung was probably Sunoo's close friend or relative who was overly protective of him. 

Sunoo sat on the bed with a dazed look on his face, trying to ignore the intense glares that the tall blue-haired male next to him was directing at Jay, but it was seemingly impossible as his brain pounded painfully against his skull.

"Heeseung hyung-" Stop glaring at the new guy, Sunoo wanted to say but he wasn't sure he got the second half of the sentence out before another wave of pain hit him with full force, making him topple slightly with a groan. 

Heeseung immediately reached over and grabbed the younger male, wrapping his arm around Sunoo's shoulders to help keep him stable. "Sunoo-ah, you should lie down." Heeseung told him with a concerned frown on his lips. 

"No, don't want to." Sunoo groaned, struggling to keep his eyes open. He wanted to ask Heeseung where the nurse was, but before he could say anything, the door swung open harshly. The three boys snapped their heads to the person in the doorway who was heavily panting, very obviously having run all the way here. 

"Sunoo hyung, are you alright?" Jungwon asked as he rushed forward, and Heeseung suddenly regretted calling the younger brown-haired male. He wasn't sure of Sunoo's parents' contact, but he knew Jungwon's number from Niki so he called the pink-haired male's best friend as soon as they got to the infirmary. It was the only emergency contact he could think of in the moment, but now he wished he hadn't called anyone at all. 

"I'm okay, Won." Sunoo tried to smile, but groaned in pain again and finally gave in to Heeseung's scolding, lying down on the bed. 

Jungwon rushed into the room with Niki not too far behind him. The tall blonde male nodded to Heeseung in acknowledgement and stood off to the corner, joining the awkward transferee as they watched the scene in front of them. 

The two short males began to talk amongst themselves, mostly Jungwon questioning Sunoo about what happened and the pink-haired male trying to get out a reply, while the other three men in the room stood off to the side.

Heeseung had a permanent frown on his lips the whole time he saw Jungwon talking to the younger, and this feeling of discontentment increased when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and looked at the blonde-haired transferee with the angular jaw and instantly his frown deepened. 

"Uh- I'm really sorry about everything that's happened, but is there any way I can help? I'm sure there is something I can do to make things better?" Jay asked, offering a polite yet confused smile. 

"You can help by shutting the fuck up." Heeseung snapped, and Jay's eyes widened in shock but he just nodded awkwardly, opting not to reply in case he angered the taller male any further. 

He tried to stop his body from quaking at the extremely threatening glare he could feel on him. He felt guilty enough about bumping into a pretty boy so hard that he gave him a concussion, but he had no idea why this tall-blue-haired guy looked at him like he had killed his entire family.

After a few moments, the door swung open again and the nurse walked in. She was an elderly woman and immediately all the boys bowed to her in greeting. 

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