5 - Keep your eyes on mine

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"Morning, Heeseung hyung." Sunoo smiled as he sat down, placing his bag on the desk. Heeseung raised his head from his arms and stared at the younger with a blank face, nodding his head slightly in acknowledgment. 

Sunoo winced a bit at the sight of the large bandage that sat across Heeseung's forehead. But he was happy that there was no bandaid on Heeseung's cheek anymore. It had been a full week since Sunoo had forced the older to go with him to the infirmary, and since then he had joined Heeseung for lunch every single day, even spending some of his free periods sitting with Heeseung. 

They sat together and it seemed like every time Sunoo had so much to say to Heeseung, and Heeseung loved listening to Sunoo speak as well. He would nod and reply to questions that Sunoo asked, which was a huge improvement in Sunoo's mind. 

There was still so much about Heeseung that remained a mystery to Sunoo, but that just motivated him even more to get to know the older. 

The two boys were in class again and as usual, Sunoo was excited to spend more time with Heeseung. But today he was in even higher spirits. Why? Because today they would be receiving their art assignment and this term it was a partner project. 

Everyone in the class cheered when the teacher told them they would be working with their seat partners, and Sunoo nearly jumped up in excitement. He turned to Heeseung with a bright smile, only to notice the older already looking at him with an unreadable expression. 

"We're partners I guess," Sunoo stated nonchalantly, ignoring the way his heart raced in his chest. Heeseung hummed softly, still not taking his eyes off of Sunoo.

"So, when did you want to start working on our assignment?" The pink-haired male asked.

"I'm free on the weekend," Heeseung said and Sunoo nodded, thinking about a good time for them to meet. 

"I work with my cousin on the weekends, but I think he'll let me have a few days off." Sunoo smiled brightly. "Where should we meet?"

"I'll give you an address and time tomorrow," Heeseung said curtly, making Sunoo tilt his head.

"Where is it?" The younger asked in confusion, not understanding why Heeseung wouldn't just tell him since he clearly had a place in mind. 

"My home." The older said as he looked away from Sunoo, looking out the window. Sunoo had questions brewing in his mind, but he was sure Heeseung mainly was cautious about letting others know where he lived because of his history so he didn't ask anything, instead just nodding. 

Throughout the lesson, Sunoo couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious older male. There were still so many questions he had to ask: Why Heeseung dyed his hair blue, why Heeseung was crying that night, why Heeseung started smoking, whether Heeseung really is a murderer or not-

He shook his head, trying to get rid of any negative thoughts. He was starting to sound like Jungwon, he thought to himself. He decided to stop thinking about the pretty blue-haired man next to him and focus on the lesson. 

Unknowing to Sunoo, Heeseung couldn't take his eyes off him. The taller had his eyes trained on Sunoo, gazing at all of his delicate features. Sunoo was so captivating, Heeseung wanted to spend all of his time just staring at the younger. Heeseung adored how Sunoo's pink hair framed his face prettily and so badly wanted to reach out and run his hand through them, to feel the soft tufts under his hands. 

But he didn't dare reach out to the younger. He was already in deep water by even letting the pretty boy hang around him and spend so much time with him when he wasn't supposed to be interacting with anyone at all. 

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