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"Here's your chart for today, Ms. Bishop." I grab the pink folder as my assistant hands them over without another word. She's like a robot, I swear. She doesn't smile. She doesn't talk about anything else other than work or charts or finance. And she pretty much looks like she follows a very specific pattern that is very hard to break. And I have a feeling she doesn't like me very much. Why, you ask? Well for once, I'm certain she hates my schedule.

"Thanks, Kate." I say and offer her a smile only to receive a very professional nod. I don't pry on her work anymore and go ahead into my office and shut my door on the way in.

I round my table, take a seat on my usual chair, open up the folder handed to me by my very unpleasant assistant, and go over the finance charts for this week. There have been a few falls all over but it's nothing I can't handle. If it came to competition among my colleagues and me as to who was the most efficient and effective, it'd be me. It would always be me.

When I'm done examining the charts and planning my next move I open my laptop to quickly go through today's schedule. It was supposed to be fairly busy because we were hiring a new head of IT today. I hadn't had many interviews with the people they were considering for the job but I did hear some of them were really strong to pick from. I take a look at the sheet Christina had forwarded to me earlier and look at my one-hour booked solely for welcoming the IT head. Great. The rest of my day was bruised with conferences here and there.

I sigh and lean back on the chair. Today's gonna be great.


"Tell us!" Vic almost pounces on me when she enters my office, Andy at her heels.

"Tell you what?" I ask, bringing a hand up to my chest to feel it beat louder.

"About yesterday!" Andy says and sits down on the chair opposite to mine, "About that girl you picked up at the bar. And don't even try to deny it cause we were there and we saw the two of you eye fucking."

I laugh as Vic vigorously nods her head to Andy. "It wasn't such a big deal."

"Uh... excuse me. Maya Bishop picked a girl up at a bar and probably got the most amazing sex of her life is a big deal." Vic made some really animated signs with her hands as she spoke which only made me laugh harder.

"Fine." I say, "I'll tell you."

Andy made a squealing sound and Vic pumped her fist in the air as they leaned forward like five-year-olds ready to listen to their grandfather tell them a story about war.

"Do you guys not get enough sex at home or are you just kinky?" I question. Andy groans and smacks me on the head ordering me to fill in the details of last night.

"Okay okay fine!" I shake my hands in mock surrender laughing as they glare at me, "It was nice. It was actually amazing. We went back to my place and did a lot of things that I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear. But yeah whatever we did was amazing."

Andy's hands were clasped together as if she was ready to present something to the board and Vic looks mildly satisfied.

"No! We want more!" Vic cried.

"What else am I supposed to tell you!"

"What happened when you talked to her? What did she say? Did she touch your hand? Did you buy her a drink? Did you kiss before you got into the car?" Vic rattled on with questions until I stopped her midway.

"Wow okay. She blushed a lot when I talked to her. She said that I was a gentleman for saving her from a man who was previously trying to hit on her. She touched my hand. Yes, I bought her a drink. White wine, if I remember correctly. And no we didn't kiss before we got into my car. But we did after." I take a deep breath after I'm done answering her questions.

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