CHAPTER 17: Elevators

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"Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"Maya, seriously, go!" Andy placed her hands on her hips and glared down at Maya. Even when she was pregnant, she looked funny trying to act like a captain. Maya almost let out a chuckle but decided against it because Andy was high on hormones and she had already gotten the fair share of hormones with Carina when she was pregnant with baby Andrew.

"I'm sorry, it's just, you're pregnant and you'll be acting captain and on top of that, you will have to take care of Drew. I'm just worried." Maya said, showing her genuine concern.

"Don't worry so much. We're all here." Vic chimed in from the reception desk, "We'll look after both the Andreas."

Maya bit her lip and she leaned forward to press a kiss on Andrew's forehead who was sleeping peacefully in Andy's arms. "Love you, baby."

"Now go!" Andy whisper-shouted at Maya, "You have five seconds to walk out of this door and go to your wife and get going for your date!"

Andy put her fingers up as she started counting down slowly.

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" Maya held up her hands as if she was ridiculous and backed away towards the door. She blew one last kiss to Andrew before she turned around and left the fire station.

Andy looked down at the sleeping baby in her hands, "You got your mommy wrapped around that little finger, don't you?"

Baby Andrew only snored.

Outside, Carina was waiting for her wife in their car. She had gone inside fifteen minutes ago and Carina wondered what was taking her so long to come out. She finally saw Maya walk out of the fire station and come back to the car.

"What took you this long?" Carina asked.

Maya smiled, putting the car in the ignition, "Nothing. Just asked my team not to burn down the fire station while I'm away."

"You'll only be gone one day."

"Yep. And Jack and Andy are going to be there. Alone." Maya said, as she shifted gears and backed out of the parking lot.

Carina rolled her eyes, "Don't worry. They are firefighters, not kindergarteners."

"I doubt it," Maya said, laughing at her own sarcasm. "But it's going to be okay. And I'm not going to think about fires or the station because I'm going to be with you today and you're all I will think about."

"And Andrea."

"And Andrew." Maya smiled— no, grinned. She had everything right now. A wife. A son. And a family. A happy family.

"You ready?"

"So ready." Carina leaned across the partition and kissed her wife, hard and long. "Let's get out of here."


"So where are we going?" Carina asks brightly, jumping in her seat.

"To celebrate." Maya relaxes.

"Celebrate what?"

"The house, Carina. You forgot already?"

"Oh yes!" Unbelievably, Carina had forgotten. Maya got promoted to captain once again and they finally found out that they were pregnant with Andrew. And after he was born, Maya suddenly decided it was time for them to get a bigger place. Not that Carina had any problem with that, but she tends to forget, most of the time, that Maya Bishop was truly changing.

"Where are we going? To celebrate?"

"Somewhere." Maya's sly smile plastered back on her face and Carina had to will her to stop herself from blushing.

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