CHAPTER 16: There's something about her (PART IV)

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I pace my small room, as I wait for Carina to arrive. It's three steps towards the door and then back again, but my anxiety was spiking through the roof. It has been a long time since I went out on a date. She said I had to wear something casual and the only casual outfit good enough for a date was my white satin shirt and a pair of black trousers, along with black trainers. My hair was short enough so I let it fall loose. This was casual right?

I jump when I hear a knock on my door and I quickly open it to reveal Travis with a huge smile, "Why is Carina out at the door?"

I roll my eyes at him, "We're going out."

"Oh, Maya! I'm so proud of you!" Travis throws his arms around me in a tight embrace and I laugh.

"Stop acting like a five-year-old, Travis. It's just one date."

"And a million more to come."

"Nope," I say, and he abruptly leaves me, and stares me down.

"What do you mean no?"

"I won't go on a date with Carina after this. We're just going out as friends and that's it." I explain.

Travis tries but fails miserably at smiling, "Fine. It's your life. But I want every detail."

"Okay, Trav." I hug him one more time and push past him, "Now, bye. Close up tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Maya?" I turn to look at Travis, "I'm proud of you for trying."

We grin like idiots as we walk to the display room together. Carina looks mesmerizing. She's in a loose black blouse and a pair of black jeans almost similar to mine. I never realized how amazing she looks in black.

"Hey, Bella. Ready for our date?"

"Yep." I say, "Let's go."

I wave goodbye to Travis before I exit the studio with Carina. We walk to her car and she holds the door open for me to get in. I laugh, and after she gets into the driver's seat, I ask, "Where are we going?"

"Well, at first I thought I'd take you to a fancy restaurant, and then I realized that fancy restaurants aren't our thing. And there was barely any time to prepare for anything else so I packed some food in a basket and we're going downtown to the beach." She explains and draws in a deep breath after, "Is that okay...?" the hesitancy is evident in her voice so I smile at her and nod, "That's perfect."

She grins, flashing her perfect white teeth at me, and reaches over to take my hand in hers. I blush but don't pull away. I like the feeling she gives me. I like the tingling in my toes and I like the fire in my belly.



"Leonardo da Vinci believed that you can understand a lot by just looking at people's faces. He believed that the people who had more depth in their faces, more marks, more weightage, they were usually angry and worried most of the time." I explain.

"Is that why you got into art?" She asks, "To understand him?"

I shrug, "I mostly draw cartoons. Make a story out of them. It helps me somehow." I reply, "It helps me to express my feeling through four other different characters than having to explain it all on my own."

"Leonardo da Vinci is your favorite, right?" Carina smiles at me.

I nod, "It always leads back to the same place. Every drawing, every stroke, every sketch...just leads home. You know that feeling when you finally feel like you belong?"

Carina looks ahead with a frown as she steers. I can feel her thinking about it like she's trying to form an answer. "I haven't exactly found my home in things. It's always the people who are with me. The one who accepts me and loves me and just... are there for me. I find my home in the people who love me, the ones who make me feel I'm never alone." She explains, "Have you ever been with a lot of people but still felt alone?"

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