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"Carina! Mom! Come here! Quick!" Maya's shouted across the apartment from the baby's room.

 Carina and Katherine were in the kitchen preparing for their meal when they heard Maya call out and Carina almost dropped everything on the floor thinking something had happened to baby Andrew. Both Carina and Katherine ran into the house and made their way into the baby's room and stopped in their tracks, eyes wide, and huge grins taking over their faces.

Maya knelt on the ground near the door, arms wide open. And Andrew was on the other side of the room by his crib, holding onto one of the legs as he supported himself and stood up, wobbling on his feet lightly.

"Come on baby, come to mommy." Maya gestured for him as she grinned wider. Andrew smiled at his mom and took one step at a time, slowly, wiggling like jelly, giggling every time he almost fell face forward on the floor as he steadily made his way to his mom. Maya had never felt so proud before. As Andrew neared her, he held out his hands for his mom and fell forward into Maya's arms, wrapping his tiny arms around her neck and she stood up, squeezing the baby boy to her chest.

"He walked!" Maya cheered and turned to look at Carina and Katherine who seemed like they could start crying at any moment. Carina went forward and kissed Andrew's hair, ruffling it in the process. Baby Andrew was clueless as to what was going on, but he accepted the affection, anyway.

"He's growing up so fast." Carina choked out and peppered his little face with kisses making him giggle loudly.

Katherine took him out of Maya's arms and held his little frame close to her as she tickled him. "He's amazing."

"I'm so proud of him." Maya was about to bawl any second but she held it in, "Oh my god!" Her eyes widened and she looked at Carina.

"What? What Bambina?"

"I didn't record it!" Maya ran out of the room before Carina could stop her and returned with a video camera.

Andrew held out his arms toward Maya and she picked him up, resting him on her hip. "We're gonna go to the living room and play. And I'm going to record it." Maya jumped up, excited as she continued kissing him, making him laugh as she carried him outside.

Carina had never seen Maya this happy before. She could feel the warmth radiating off her. She could feel the love that Maya was feeling. And that was everything for Carina.

Carina and Katherine exited the room and went to the kitchen. They could see Maya roll on the floor with Andrew as he laughed and stood up, wobbled, fell on his butt, but still got up again. Carina's smile remained stuck on her face as she continued watching the two most important people in her life, play and be happy with each other.

It was obvious to Carina that she was scared when they got pregnant. No matter how much Maya said that she wanted to have kids, it always made Carina think about what Maya would be like after the baby was born. But after Andrew made his appearance, Carina had no doubts.

Maya may be the hard and strong firefighter outside, but the moment she stepped into the house and took one look at Andrew, she'd simply melt. All the hardcore outer persona would just fade away and the loving, caring Maya would surface. And that's all that Carina wanted.

"Thank you." Carina turned her head to look at Katherine who was staring at Maya with a loud grin.

"What? For what?"

Katherine turned to face Carina as the two of them continued preparing dinner, "When Maya took her first steps, I was so happy. And I called for her dad so that he could get it on camera. But Lane just saw her, scoffed, and said that it was about time she started walking." 

Carina's face fell when she heard that. No wonder Maya had a difficult childhood, but this was just too much.

"I was so afraid," Katherine continued, "I was always so scared that Maya would just turn into Lane. He'd make Maya into some kind of a monster. But...then you came in." She smiled at Carina and patted her hand, "Without you, maybe she would never have realized what love actually felt like. And so, thank you for making her feel that."

Carina couldn't help when a few tears slipped past. Even though it's been a year, her hormones and emotions were everywhere. "I think was scared too." She said and remained silent waiting for Katherine to say anything. When she didn't, Carina continued, "I was scared that maybe she'd be afraid to turn into her dad and end up regretting the pregnancy. But then... I don't think I have ever seen her like this. I think I fall in love with her more and more every day when I see them together."

There was a series of giggles from the living room making the two of them turn to look at Maya and Andrew. Maya was lying down on her back on the floor and Andrew was sitting on her stomach as he comically wiggled his hands, clapping his hand together. Maya tickled his side and he laughed again, showing off his toothless mouth, and fell forward for Maya to catch him.

Moments later, Carina pulled the food out of the microwave and placed it on the table with Katherine's help.

"This smells good," Katherine said.

Carina smiled at her, "Thanks. This is my mama's recipe."

"I'm sure it tastes amazing." Katherine squeezed Carina's shoulder and cocked her head to the side gesturing towards the living room with a smile, "You should wake those two up."

Maya and Andrew were fast asleep on the living room floor. Andrew laid on top of his mom, his little arms around Maya's torso and she held onto his tiny frame with her hands, tightly as if afraid he'd slip and fall.

A smile automatically made its way to Carina's lips as she moved to the living room and knelt down by her family. Family. That one word she had thought she'd never get to use. But now, suddenly she had it all.

"Maya, Bambina," Carina ran a hand through Maya's blond hair, scratching her scalp softly, "Wake up, Bella. Dinner's ready." Maya stirred slightly but didn't wake up. So, Carina decided to play a little. She leaned down until her lips were hovering over Maya's ear and whispered softly, letting her hot breath hit Maya's neck, "Wake up, Bella. I have something in the bedroom I'm sure you'd like to use. So wake up and let's eat so that we can go to the bedroom. You can have your way with me today."

It was like a flick of a switch. "I'm up!" Maya sat up with Andrew still on her lap and looked at Carina who had a teasing smile on her face, "You are such a tease."

She shrugged innocently, "Only you say that Bambina." Carina picked up Andrew from her lap and gave him a kiss. He didn't protest, instead nuzzled his head into Carina's neck falling back asleep. "I'll go feed him and put him to bed. Go set the table with your mom."

They stood up and Maya placed one last kiss on Andrew's hair, "I'm so proud of you, baby." and then she stood on her tiptoe to press a kiss to Carina's lips, "And I'm waiting to get you in bed tonight. I love you."

"I love you too."




A/N: This is short, but I was rewatching Grey's and I saw Zola take her first steps and I just had to write this. I love the idea of Maya being a softie with her baby. Anyway, hope you guys like it, and do suggest if you have any ideas, I'm running out of ideas, lol. 

Thanks for reading guys! Love you!

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