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Maya's brows furrowed in her sleep as the distinct feeling that she was being watched trickled in through the haze of dreaming and brought her to the surface. She rubbed at her eyes before opening them and then yelped as she came face to face with the wide eyes of a toddler.

"Hi!" Andrew was so close to her that their noses brushed.

Maya shifted back in bed to have a better view, as the memories of last night came crashing back to her. After they'd dropped off Andrew at Maya's mom's house, Carina and Maya had the whole house to themselves and then she suddenly realized that she was stark naked under the covers.

Andrew was sprawled on the bed beside her with a smile so huge that it had to hurt. She pulled the thin blanket tighter around her as she smiled at her son's state.

He was lying flat on his belly, his legs bouncing behind him as he stared at Maya, eyes wide with a grin.

"Hey, buddy." Maya said, pulling the covers a little higher, "Where did you come from?"

"Gram's!" Andrew continued to kick his legs up and down as he lay peacefully beside her, "Why are you not up yet? Didn't you go for a run today?"

Maya distinctly remembered the hours in the morning when she could have slipped out and gone for a run but instead, she decided she needed to stay in. Not that she was exhausted but Carina looked like a Disney princess come alive as she snored, hair flowing around her like a halo, and Maya felt her body melting next to her.

"No, buddy, I was tired." Maya replied.

"Oh." Andrew said, drawing out the word, "Where are your clothes?"

A soft pink glow dusted Maya's cheeks as she said, "On the floor, I think."


"Because I took them off."


"Uh... because I was hot."


"Because it was hot in here." Andrew's goofy grin made it clear that he was enjoying the little game.

"Enough questions, baby." Maya ruffled his soft brown hair, "Did you enjoy at Gram's?"

"Uncle Mase came! We played dinosaurs! Uncle Mase knows a lot more dinosaurs than you do, mom." Andrew blabbered on.

"Oh is that so?" Maya said, a wicked grin taking over her face, "Is he good at tickling too?"

Within a moment, both of them were laughing and giggling as Maya found her son's sore spot and he screamed as if his life depended on it. "Mom!" He drew out the word, trying to get away from Maya's grasp, "Stop!" But both of them were still giggling even after Maya had stopped and Andrew remained tucked under her arm.

Then he suddenly sprung up, "Let's go, mom!"

"Where, buddy?"

"My birthday shopping!" He balanced himself on his elbows and held up four fingers, "I'm going to be four!"

"Huh?" Maya clearly remembered that Andrew's birthday was not until a month later. "Andrew what are you saying?"

"Gram said she'll take us shopping today! Get ready mom! We're going to be late!"

"Wait, Gram is here?" she asked, "Right now?"

Andrew bobbed his head into a yes as he resumed kicking his legs on the mattress, smiling, "And Uncle Mase!"

"Shit," Maya pulled the covers higher and Andrew thankfully didn't hear her curse because Carina arrived at the exact moment to distract him.

She slipped into the room, dressed in a silken robe. Carina smiled apologetically at Maya before catching Andrew as he jumped to his feet, hopped on the bed twice, and then leaped at his mother. She swung him around before setting him on his feet on the floor and patting his bottom. "Baby, why don't you go play dinosaurs with Gram and uncle Mase while Mommy gets dressed, okay?"

"Okay!" Andrew was gone within a second. Carina closed the door behind her and leaned against it.

"I'm sorry." She said, "I completely forgot we had made plans to go out with Katherine and Mase to buy party supplies."

"Yup... I only remembered after he told me." Maya covered her eyes with her palm, "He's going to go tell mom and Mase that I was lying naked on the bed."

Carina blushed, deep red color filling her face and neck, "Uh... I think they already guessed."

Maya laughed at her flustered state as Carina bit her lips and lay on the bed beside her.

"Stop laughing." Carina smacked her side and rolled over to face her, "Do you know how embarrassing that was?"

"I mean... it's not the first time though."


"Sorry! And besides, Andrew wasn't supposed to be home until later this afternoon. It's not my fault he managed to convince them to bring him."

"Yes, but we forgot that we promised him to take him out shopping." Carina replied, "I guess this is our punishment."

Maya yawned loudly and stretched, "Well... I had you for the whole time last night and a little this morning, so, I'm satisfied."

"Yeah well...last night was pretty great. I had a wonderful time, Bella."

"Me too." Maya leaned over and pressed a kiss to Carina's lips and they stayed like that until Maya pulled away, "We should get ready."

Carina nodded slowly, but didn't make a move to get out of Maya's embrace, "We need to get ready quickly. How about we take a shower together? To save time and all."

Maya smiled slyly, "To save time and all?"

"I mean it's fine if you don't want to." Carina got down from the bed and started walking towards the bathroom when she felt Maya's body pressing right into her back, "Like hell I'm refusing that offer."




A/N: Hey guys! How's it been? I know it's been a long time since the last chapter. I had a few exams going on. But hey, I'm back now! So how's this chapter? I mean it's not very different from the rest, just Marina being cute and all with baby Andrew. Thanks a lot for reading guys. I love you!!

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